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1 RedCream 2018-09-03T06:46:52 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: fed.png (PNG, 29.64 KB, 432x439)
is you're anus ready for federated textboards

also there's tags instead of boards
44 posts omitted
46 guest@cc 2018-11-27T16:12:15

Anonymous please refrain from being such a pleb
47 guest@cc 2021-03-30T02:54:54
i did officially finish this:


have fun
48 guest@cc 2021-03-30T17:54:04
I don't get the point of a federated textboard (or imageboard). It's not really a format that benefits from it. They don't have accounts, so migration between them isn't really an issue, and unlike microblogs (twitter, tumblr, mastodon, plemora), where sharing someone else's content is a major factor, seperate boards and threads are relatively exclusive.
49 guest@cc 2021-10-10T09:29:21
Something like this I suppose?

50 fgvw@tate.best 2023-03-29T14:35:19
Chromium is faster than firefox and better supported in a lot of cases, which is why I use ungoogled chromium when possible

1 Nameless 2019-12-11T17:46:45 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1436442863980.gif (GIF, 431.29KB, 400x268)
6 posts omitted
8 Anonymous 2021-10-30T17:29:00
9 Anonymous 2023-01-03T19:07:30
that new di gi charat just ended, and NO ONE GAVE A SHIT!
10 Anonymous 2023-01-03T20:32:10 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: [MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi Cha… (JPEG, 281.94KB, 1920x1080)
I like it. It's not going to have the same kind of impact as the first one did for many reasons, but it was enjoyable. MoyaiSubs still has 5 episodes left to translate, so I haven't seen all of them.
11 Anonymous 2023-03-11T20:54:21 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1672816184374.jpg (JPEG, 309.48KB, 1920x1080)
Spoiler: they never finished translating it, but that's fine, because their translations were pure shit, both intentionally and unintentionally
12 Anonymous 2023-03-25T21:56:35
They did sub another episode after your post and there's only two remaining.
I don't have much of a choice. If you're offering superior subs I'll take them. The Pokemon jelly donuts thing is kind of funny, but yeah that's a strange thing to do.

1 Anonymous 2023-02-22T23:25:19 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: Get Connected for Free!! (exte… (MP3, 3.05MB, #f)

1 Anonymous 2022-03-12T17:51:08 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1x1.png (PNG, 847.0B, 1x1)
🭑🬾 🭇🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭩🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭐🭮🭂🭂🭂🭍🭖🭂🭏🭮🭂🭂🭍🭂🭂🭂🭌🬿🭧
🭌🭌 🭊🭁🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭁🭌🭝🭎🭁🭝🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭌🭌🮛🭪🭝🭌🭌🭌🭎 🭥🭝🭝🭝🭪🭒🭌🭎🭨🭒🭝🭞🭜🭧🭒🭌🭏
🭝🭪🭏 🭄🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭒🭌🭟🭃🭝🭝🭟🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🮛🭐🭁🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭥🭝🭌🭌🭥🭝🭝🭌🭍🭂🭑 🭢🭕🭌
🭠🭘🭜🭙🭅🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭡🭁🭝🭋🭌🭝🭠🭯🭅🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭠🭁🭌🭝🮛🭎🭝🭌🭖🭝🭝🭈 🭖🭝🭌🭀🭖🭌🭝🭝🮛🭌🭌🬿 🭔
🭙 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭋🭝🭝🭅🭝🭝🭠🮚🭖🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟🭢🭌🭌🭝🭅🭨🭝🭟🭅🭝🭟🭨🭓🭑🬽🭔🭝🭐 🭔🭝🭌🭐🭒🭝🭌🭑🭉🭁
🭅🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭜🭙🭆🭟 🭭🭗 🭢🭧🭢🭝🭟 🭅🭌🭝🭅🭃🭝🭜🭗 🭧🭚🭣🭧🭓🭒🭟🭖🭒🭝🭝🭌🭏
🭁🭝🭪🭨🭌🭂🭂🭝🭉🭠🭗🭇🭋🭋🭂🭂🬿 🭯🭇🭖🭡 🭅🭝🭙🭄🭠🭆🭂🭢🭋🭟🭃🭌🭌🭌🭌🭑🭊🭇🭥 🭔🭍🭅🭩🭑🭃🭃🭌
🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭮🭡🭇🭁🭀🭅🭓🭓🭓🭌🬾🭯🭪🭡 🭝🭙🭃🭝🭖🭝🭛🭂🭦🭨🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭥🭅🭌🭏🬼🭦🭡🭃🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟
🭂🭬🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭙🭃🭞 🭤🭣🬽 🭆🭁🭌🭛🭋🭡🭈🭟 🭜🭘🭣🭘🭣🭣🭣 🭧🭓🭒🭌🬼🭛🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭎
🭍🭀🭝🭡🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🬾🭦🭏🬼 🭑 🭌🭑🭖🭝🭟🭅🭅🭅🭟🭙 🭇🬼 🭆🬾 🭣🭧🭝🭐🭅🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭝🭛🭔🭐🭒🭝🭝🭌🭥🭒🭐 🭖🭎 🭄🭐🬼 🭍🭁🭝🭪🭒🭋🭪🭄🭌🭌🭁🭌🭁🭈🬼 🭖🭬🭇🭂🭝🭋🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭚 🭦🭐🭖🭝🭝🭝🭀🭤🭒🬿🭢🭒🭇🭔🭐 🭯🭇🬼🭉🭌🭌🭌🭌🬾🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭒🭌🭣🭗🬼 🬼 🭅🭙🭕🭝🭨🭁🭠🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭛
🭔🭢🭔🭝🭌🭌🬼 🭧🬿🭦🭩🭝🭝🭬🭣🭜🭆🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭧🭜🭘🭄🭌🭪🭠🭄🭞🭘🭃🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭋
🭢 🭢🭕🭝🭝🭌🬿 🭧🭒🭌🭁🭂🭂🭁🭒🭝🭛🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭍🭍🭂🭂🭝🭜🭗🭁🭄🮚🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭙 🭃
🭣🭓🭝🭝🭍🬼🭋🭌🭂🭝🭌🭌🭁🭁🭁🭌🭐🭔🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭂🭁🭝🭜🭄🭝🭝🭝🭞🭚 🭅🭞
🭢🭨🭧🭓🮛🭧🭒🭌🭌🭌🭌🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭠🭜🭆🭁🭞🭞🭪🭪🭗 🭮🭚
🭭🭁🭝🭡 🭢🭕🭒🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🬽 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭚
🭋🭝🭌🭛 🭢🭨🭓🭒🭌🭌🭌🭍🭑🬽🬽🬽🬽🬽🭈🭈🭆🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭜🭗 🭇
🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭏🭄🭂🭉🭁🭝🭝🭗 🭇🭆🭕🭌🬾🭣🭧🭒🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭞🭜🭘 🬼 🭆🭝
🭝🭌🭁🭁🭌🭁🭌🭝🭚🭃🭌🭝🭙 🭠🭆🭁🭀 🭊 🭢🭥🭓🭒🭝🭝🭝🭞🭞🭜🭘🭗 🭊🭁🭛 🭊🭂🭄🭁
🭌🭌🭌🭁🭝🭝🭌🭠🭃🭞🭜🭚 🭕🭝🭝🭐🭃🭝🭯 🭅🭂🭂🭝🭞🭙 🭄🭝🭝🭛🭇🭂🭡🭁🭌🭌

Chaika in the text page
2 Anonymous 2022-03-12T17:56:57

🭑🬾 🭇🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭩🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭐🭮🭂🭂🭂🭍🭖🭂🭏🭮🭂🭂🭍🭂🭂🭂🭌🬿🭧
🭌🭌 🭊🭁🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭁🭌🭝🭎🭁🭝🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭌🭌🮛🭪🭝🭌🭌🭌🭎 🭥🭝🭝🭝🭪🭒🭌🭎🭨🭒🭝🭞🭜🭧🭒🭌🭏
🭝🭪🭏 🭄🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭒🭌🭟🭃🭝🭝🭟🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🮛🭐🭁🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭥🭝🭌🭌🭥🭝🭝🭌🭍🭂🭑 🭢🭕🭌
🭠🭘🭜🭙🭅🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭡🭁🭝🭋🭌🭝🭠🭯🭅🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭠🭁🭌🭝🮛🭎🭝🭌🭖🭝🭝🭈 🭖🭝🭌🭀🭖🭌🭝🭝🮛🭌🭌🬿 🭔
🭙 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭋🭝🭝🭅🭝🭝🭠🮚🭖🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟🭢🭌🭌🭝🭅🭨🭝🭟🭅🭝🭟🭨🭓🭑🬽🭔🭝🭐 🭔🭝🭌🭐🭒🭝🭌🭑🭉🭁
🭅🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭜🭙🭆🭟 🭭🭗 🭢🭧🭢🭝🭟 🭅🭌🭝🭅🭃🭝🭜🭗 🭧🭚🭣🭧🭓🭒🭟🭖🭒🭝🭝🭌🭏
🭁🭝🭪🭨🭌🭂🭂🭝🭉🭠🭗🭇🭋🭋🭂🭂🬿 🭯🭇🭖🭡 🭅🭝🭙🭄🭠🭆🭂🭢🭋🭟🭃🭌🭌🭌🭌🭑🭊🭇🭥 🭔🭍🭅🭩🭑🭃🭃🭌
🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭮🭡🭇🭁🭀🭅🭓🭓🭓🭌🬾🭯🭪🭡 🭝🭙🭃🭝🭖🭝🭛🭂🭦🭨🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭥🭅🭌🭏🬼🭦🭡🭃🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟
🭂🭬🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭙🭃🭞 🭤🭣🬽 🭆🭁🭌🭛🭋🭡🭈🭟 🭜🭘🭣🭘🭣🭣🭣 🭧🭓🭒🭌🬼🭛🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭎
🭍🭀🭝🭡🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🬾🭦🭏🬼 🭑 🭌🭑🭖🭝🭟🭅🭅🭅🭟🭙 🭇🬼 🭆🬾 🭣🭧🭝🭐🭅🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭝🭛🭔🭐🭒🭝🭝🭌🭥🭒🭐 🭖🭎 🭄🭐🬼 🭍🭁🭝🭪🭒🭋🭪🭄🭌🭌🭁🭌🭁🭈🬼 🭖🭬🭇🭂🭝🭋🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭚 🭦🭐🭖🭝🭝🭝🭀🭤🭒🬿🭢🭒🭇🭔🭐 🭯🭇🬼🭉🭌🭌🭌🭌🬾🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭒🭌🭣🭗🬼 🬼 🭅🭙🭕🭝🭨🭁🭠🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭛
🭔🭢🭔🭝🭌🭌🬼 🭧🬿🭦🭩🭝🭝🭬🭣🭜🭆🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭧🭜🭘🭄🭌🭪🭠🭄🭞🭘🭃🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭋
🭢 🭢🭕🭝🭝🭌🬿 🭧🭒🭌🭁🭂🭂🭁🭒🭝🭛🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭍🭍🭂🭂🭝🭜🭗🭁🭄🮚🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭙 🭃
🭣🭓🭝🭝🭍🬼🭋🭌🭂🭝🭌🭌🭁🭁🭁🭌🭐🭔🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭂🭁🭝🭜🭄🭝🭝🭝🭞🭚 🭅🭞
🭢🭨🭧🭓🮛🭧🭒🭌🭌🭌🭌🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭠🭜🭆🭁🭞🭞🭪🭪🭗 🭮🭚
🭭🭁🭝🭡 🭢🭕🭒🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🬽 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭚
🭋🭝🭌🭛 🭢🭨🭓🭒🭌🭌🭌🭍🭑🬽🬽🬽🬽🬽🭈🭈🭆🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭜🭗 🭇
🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭏🭄🭂🭉🭁🭝🭝🭗 🭇🭆🭕🭌🬾🭣🭧🭒🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭞🭜🭘 🬼 🭆🭝
🭝🭌🭁🭁🭌🭁🭌🭝🭚🭃🭌🭝🭙 🭠🭆🭁🭀 🭊 🭢🭥🭓🭒🭝🭝🭝🭞🭞🭜🭘🭗 🭊🭁🭛 🭊🭂🭄🭁
🭌🭌🭌🭁🭝🭝🭌🭠🭃🭞🭜🭚 🭕🭝🭝🭐🭃🭝🭯 🭅🭂🭂🭝🭞🭙 🭄🭝🭝🭛🭇🭂🭡🭁🭌🭌

Chaika in monospace
3 Anonymous 2022-03-12T18:02:52

🭢🭒🭌🭌🭌🭜 🭅 🭤 🮚🭉 🭤🭝🭑 🭮 🭤🭬🬼 🭈🭆🭑🬼 🭥
🭥🭒🭝🭚 🬼 🭉🭙 🭉🭛 🮚🭦 🭝🭝🬿 🭏 🭣🭣🭧🭒🭝🭌🬿
🭈🭂🭆🭃🭛 🭋🭙 🭅 🭋🭫🭬 🭊 🮚🭤 🭀 🭞🭒🭝🬿 🭖🬿 🮚 🭢🭕🭝🭒🬾
🭃🭝🭌🭚 🭡 🭛 🭊🮛🭀 🭇 🭉🭌 🭛🭬 🭉🭛 🭉🭬🬽🭧🭓🬾 🭦🭌🬾 🭦 🭧🭟🭗
🭌🭌🭟 🭋🭛🭊🭇 🭅🭚🬼🭀 🮚 🭃🭡 🭋🭋 🭋🭏🭆🭄🭑🭑🭌🭑🬽 🭤🭓🭎 🭢🭀 🭖
🭌🭒🭛 🭈🭆🭁🭜🭉🭒🭩🭂🭌🭌🭌🭌🭑🭌 🭉🭁🭛 🭇🭉🭙 🭆🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭒🭌🭁🭑🭄🭏🭑🬽🬼 🬿 🭥
🭌🭁 🭘🭗 🭪🭊🭁🭝🭡🭡🭣🭣🭣🭨🭫🭝🭀🭋🭁🭙 🭃🭚 🭜🭘🭌🭡🭉🭙 🭢🭧🭠🭝🭁🭝🭌🬾🭣🭛🭘🭧
🭝🭝 🭪🭋🭝🭗🭖🭛🬽🬽🬽🭢🭔🭫🭮🭋🭁 🭃🭙🭇🭀 🭅🭘🭐🭬 🭐🭛 🭣🭒🭐🭋🭙 🭉
🭘🭖 🭌🭃🭙🭈🭨🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭁🭎🭍🭓🭁🭜 🭅🭡🭋🭞🭉🭌🭆🭂🭂🭂🭂🭍🭍🭁🭑🬽 🭢🭒🭅 🭤
🭣🭖 🭋 🭔🭐🭥🭒🭌🭝🭒🭁🭌🭝🭧🭝🭎🭢🭧🭀 🭉🭛🭛🭛🭉🭁🭒🭝🭔🭁🭌🭌🭜🭔🭝🭒🭍🭑 🭦🭛
🭅🬾🭦 🭢🭏 🭦🭝🭀🭤🭒🭚🭦🭒🭌🭌🭝🭝🭣 🭖 🬼🭮🭚 🭢 🭞🭒🭌🭌🭝🭒🭀🭖🭟🭘 🭡 🭉
🭄🭁🭐🭦🭀 🭖🭎🬼🭕🭌🬼🭝🬾🭦🭌🭫🭝🭒🭟 🭓🭗 🭂🭁🭒🭝🭒🭁🭛🭃🭯🭇🭬 🭊 🭃
🭁🭝🭫🬾🭌🬾 🭢🭒🭌🭑🭨🭐🭭 🭨🭍🭆🭜🭗 🭇 🭢🭔🭑🭆🭃🭚🭢🭮🭊🭚🭈🭂🭙 🭅🭡
🭝🭒🭌🭌🭨🭌🬿 🭢🭕🭌🭝🭝🬿 🭗🭘🭘 🭅 🭢🭣🭣🭣🭘🭇🭊🭂 🭚🮛🭗 🭇🭃🭝🭙
🭌🭁🭌🭁🭌🭌🭌🭏🬽 🭣🭒🭡 🭣 🭦 🭘🭗🭇🭆🭚 🭈🭄🭁🭁🭚🭈
🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭬 🬽🮚🭑🬼 🭈🭆🭇🭗🭈🭊 🭮🭁🭝🭝🭌🭪🭄🭁
🭝🭒🭒🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭀🭡 🭢🭐🭣🭗 🭇🭆🭑🭑🭑🭑🭆🭆🭆🭆🭆🭑🭑🬼 🭈🭁🭌🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌
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Chaika in inverted monospace
4 Anonymous 2022-03-13T09:10:02
This is scaring me.
5 Anonymous 2022-03-13T19:20:16
Chaika on the internet!
6 Anonymous 2023-02-14T21:36:08 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: chaika face.png (PNG, 707.89KB, 1663x1568)

1 Anonymous 2022-01-04T12:21:31 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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It's been over half a year and desuchan still isn't back online. Where do I go to get my daily dose of desu?
2 Anonymous 2022-01-05T16:21:40 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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3 Anonymous 2022-01-12T20:58:13 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Ah yeah, there was some issue with backup and 4taba went back a few days so I need to remake my post that people probably didn't see:
The desuchan admin is also the admin of lolibooru and he said he was going to restore it, but he's certainly taking his time with it. This post was about 6-7 months ago. Maybe you can bug him over there?
4 Anonymous 2023-02-04T04:36:39
He sure is taking his sweet time.
5 Anonymous 2023-02-05T21:34:35
Yeah, I think it's just gone for good. At best maybe he'll upload its archive somewhere or something like that. I guess someone could try talking to him about it on lolibooru again? Or maybe he has an IRC presence somewhere as I doubt Discord (*puke*) would allow such associations.

1 Player 2020-01-03T03:28:15 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Let's talk about vidya.
What games do you like? My favorites include Valve stuff, like TF2, HL1, L4D2, the Portals, etc, as well as Nintendo stuff.
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43 Player 2022-08-17T18:53:19 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Now that the game has been released, I'm playing the actual thing now.
44 Player 2022-09-01T01:00:13
What is the name of this game?
45 Player 2022-09-01T01:50:09
I tried Turtle WoW recently as my first attempt at WoW and it's neat. I'm thinking of trying a private FFXI server too, I rolled a char on retail trial but I don't want to pay.
46 Player 2022-09-04T21:01:09
Lovely Planet
47 Player 2023-01-30T14:26:34 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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I've been loving Sonic Frontiers, it is a great change of pace compared to the on-rails playstyle most games have been having for over a decade.
My only hopes are the game isn't a one and done and devs actually adhere to what they made here. There is a lot of potential in hands

Besides that, just hoonting in MH3U, I got back to it because I can't kill Rathalos in G-Rank and decided to hunt Jhen Mohran to make his set, which has resistance to fire and defense buffs. Surely this will be crazy helpful

1 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Why is Kirino Kousaka, female lead of the acclaimed series Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't be this Cute), best girl?
2 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
because we just want to fuck our sisters
3 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
This is one of those popular things that I told myself that I'd watch eventually, but I never did.
4 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
But that's forbidden love.


The first season is okay. The second season is a trainwreck, but it's worth watching just so you can go into Oreimo threads and fully appreciate how anally agitated people are about it.
5 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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6 Anonymous 2023-01-29T21:40:05

I would.

1 Anonymous 2020-01-12T17:22:19 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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When I'm walking my dog I like to pretend I'm on the run from an elite force of dragon people and she's sniffing out a route to infiltrate their castle without being spotted. This involves a lot of paranoid looking around, hiding and running. I wonder if the whole village thinks I'm retarded?
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426 Anonymous 2022-12-25T09:18:48
I was thinking "What if today was Christmas"? and them BAM it was. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
427 Anonymous 2022-12-25T13:45:43
Merry Christmas!
428 Anonymous 2022-12-27T03:00:39
I don't know. It could be any of those things, or it could have to do with the content of the meal.
429 Anonymous 2023-01-02T18:01:39
Happy new year!
430 Anonymous 2023-01-03T10:11:07
HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's the year of the rabbit, which means it's a lucky year.

1 Anonymous 2021-07-03T08:36:18 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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131 Anonymous 2022-12-30T13:46:27 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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132 Anonymous 2022-12-31T15:10:06 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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133 Anonymous 2022-12-31T15:10:56 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Anonymous 2023-01-02T18:01:16
I like the sound of "lewd invitation".
134 Anonymous 2022-12-31T15:12:15 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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momo: It's about time to train your tail.
syamiko: ////
135 Anonymous 2022-12-31T16:19:49 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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welp, happy 2023.

1 Anonymous 2020-06-11T11:22:24 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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How about you join the webring, lad? We'd really like to have you with us.
Also, thanks for providing a home for /librejp/.
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7 Verniy 2020-06-12T02:28:19
The webring is at best a hobby group with lots of flamboyant political activism. At worst it's just raving about minorities in the USA. It's designed to be an alternative to 8ch which after it got shutdown for a series of shootings in religious buildings, decided it was going to center itself around supporting the Trump cult(banning lolicon, forming it's on PAC etc.).

Currently in my opinion "the webring" as they all it is likely or inadvertently a good way for you to get a site to support political motivations; giving your site a population boost at the cost of becoming another house for that annoying conservative movement that's trying to be everywhere on the Internet.
Anonymous 2020-07-02T08:25:08
I thought lizchan died because there was nobody to pay the bills.
Anonymous 2020-07-01T19:28:34
The name field exists for a reason. If using it were a universally bad thing it wouldn't be there to begin with.

The OP asked the person running the site to join the webring, so the person running the site responded. Verniy's identity was important within the context of the conversation.
Anonymous 2020-06-21T14:45:17
he's a namefag for the virtue of having a name, being the admin doesn't remove him from that.
though it's better to stay hidden and far away from the webring, not because of political autism, but of imageboard drama autism. I can't stand that lizchan ended up dying because some sperg from the webring started to throw false accusations at the admin
Anonymous 2020-06-14T18:34:33
1. Who are you quoting?

2. He's the admin you dip

3. Rude
Anonymous 2020-06-14T15:03:14
9 Anonymous 2020-06-12T16:27:02
The librejp people are gone, how sad.
10 Anonymous 2020-07-01T01:26:42

>religious building

checks out
Anonymous 2020-07-01T19:29:19
who are you quoting?
11 Anonymous 2020-08-14T02:53:56
how about you check these dubs
13 Anonymous 2022-12-30T12:16:18
Impressive, very nice.

1 名無しさん 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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36 名無しさん 2021-11-25T03:07:04 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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The birthday girl!
37 名無しさん 2021-11-25T07:03:07 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Happy birthday!
38 名無しさん 2021-12-25T21:25:33 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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39 名無しさん 2022-02-23T18:59:05 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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40 名無しさん 2022-12-08T18:15:34 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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The eternal Sachiko thread. You didn't forget her, right?

1 Anonymous 2020-09-10T17:23:19 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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2 Anonymous 2022-12-06T07:20:32
be like goofus

1 Anonymous 2020-11-20T15:57:12 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Can we have a webcomic thread? Let's recomend or post updates to obscure and not really webcomics.
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10 Anonymous 2020-12-01T04:28:57 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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11 Anonymous 2020-12-28T18:34:09 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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12 Anonymous 2022-10-23T19:42:09 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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It's been a while since I've even touched a webcomic. I haven't even browsed through Webtoon despite that being popular nowadays. Last webcomic that left an impression on my was Rice Boy.
13 Anonymous 2022-10-26T00:05:46
I wonder if the big AI hubbub will lead to any new webcomics. In theory all the people that said "but I can't draw!" now have a foundation to build off of at least. Then again, people had lots of sprite comics (and I read a few) so it doesn't really need to be that amazing to begin with.
14 Anonymous 2022-10-29T22:47:18
I don't think the lack of drawing ability really stopped people from making Webcomics, at least not in the past.
I don't know too much about AI art, since I haven't engaged with it myself and haven't researched it. Being an artist myself, the fact that it uses stolen work put me off to it, as well as the general disdain many AI Art enthusiasts have for artists.
From the little bit I do know, AI isn't quite able to do consistent images well enough to make a comic. I've seen some consistent characters here and there, but not to the level one would need for a comic. Perhaps as the technology matures, this problem will be solved.

Also, it seem you would need a relatively beefy computer to use SD, and GPUs are getting really expensive.

1 Anonymous 2018-07-31T23:54:50 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan … (JPEG, 93.71 KB, 1280x720)
thsi looks like a nice board

are the people here nice
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5 Anonymous 2018-08-01T07:36:55
Not yet but you’re working on it.
6 Anonymous 2018-08-01T16:42:59
Go back to Tumblr until you can learn to punctuate like an adult.
7 Anonymous 2018-08-02T03:54:29
probably not
8 Anonymous 2018-08-02T09:01:42
Sorry, we aren't nice people so you better prepare to get roasted, kid!
10 Anonymous 2022-10-20T18:14:33
We're gonna take your lunch money dweeb!

1 Anonymous 2021-11-25T02:14:02 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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I've been thinking about the gyaru trend. Nerds fantasizing about girls from subcultures they know almost nothing about except the most superficial and stereotypical elements. It's bizarre. The gyaru of otaku media are simulacra. Many things are in otaku media perhaps, but what makes the gyaru case so eyebrow-raising is the obsession with subcultures one is not actually a "fan" of, or a part of. It's like being a poser, but not because you're trying to fit in, but rather because you... think being a poser is cool. Thereby, you render the meaning of poser meaningless. You could make an analogy with so-called art hoes and similar internet types who just care about aesthetics not the thing behind the aesthetics, or people who hate anime because it's "childish" but then admit to liking straight shota hentai. Maybe it is a sign of a larger breakdown of subculture in general, where the individual appropriates whatever he sees fit, and there is no rhyme or reason behind it. To quote a prophetic britpop song, now it's IN to be OUT.
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5 Anonymous 2022-01-11T13:08:20
I don't see what it has to do with the concept of being a poser. It's even further removed than that. And I don't think being a poser is cool.
6 Anonymous 2022-09-12T05:57:45
more like it's dumbed down like everything because it's art and relying on a template is cheaper and easier for korean slave animators to produce quickly. I think it's more cringe to pretend to be a libtard defending non oppressed whores(from a totally different culture) when you're just a horny fuck looking up pictures like that. if you're guilty maybe you can turn it into an NTR fantasy where your gaijin ass tries futilely to save your precious gyaru only to get his ass beat and cucked by chad yakuza members.
Anonymous 2022-10-10T16:19:33
You sound like you're a joy to be around...
7 Anonymous 2022-10-09T07:17:26
A lot of assumptions, missing the point of OP.
8 Anonymous 2022-10-10T03:42:14
make an ass out of u and me
9 Anonymous 2022-10-14T06:17:18
the point of op was retarded because of the simple fact that gyaru is an amalgamation of foreign stereotypes to begin with, japan is a superficial and stereotypical culture inherently(one writer described it as a culture of magazines, as in you could tell what everyone read by looking at them), plus already borrows many elements from american culture including anime(the original anime from the 60s were basically dumbed down american cartoons) so it makes perfect sense that would be the case, on top of that your fixation on otaku culture which used to be a substrata in their society reeks of superficial obsession of your own. by the way it's EXACTLY AS I SAY IT IS but I do anticipate your balking so by all means do so.

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