12 Replies
【1】The idea of national "traditions" in art and philosophy needs to die. [last50 /phi/]

Seperate traditions in these fields only ever existed to begin with because of an inability for different cultures to communicate. Ever since the internet became a thing and removed the gap caused by geography, this divide has had no reason to exist outside of humanity's obsession with vestigial "we've always done it this way so it must be the best" type garbage

This though came to me when I saw a youtube comment that said "it's unfair to compare American and French animation traditions". What fucking unique tradition does France have in animation? All of it is drawn directly from America and Japan, both of whom borrow from eachother constantly.

It would be way smarter for us to simply look at culture as one giant whole. Every idea should be compared to every other idea, and anyone should be able to pick up any influence from anywhere