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1 Anonymous 2019-08-27T18:57:35 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 2356363.PNG (PNG, 116.73 KB, 518x377)
Can someone tell me who started that gay trend of reanimating episodes of popular cartoons? Every single one is always the same (ren&stimpy faces, shitty tweened animation, jojo/chris chan/sleepycabin/twitter reference, etc). Modern newgrounds is such a shithole
2 Anonymous 2019-08-27T21:21:36
It naturally arose out of YTP colabs and MAPs, although I'm pretty sure the sailor moon one was the one that made it a thing

Also, newgrounds has always been like that, you've just gotten too old for it.
3 Anonymous 2019-08-28T07:26:40
>newgrounds has always been like that, you've just gotten too old for it
And spam collabs were the only funny ones

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