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1 Anonymous 2020-01-08T03:28:16 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: circler.jpg (JPEG, 120.53KB, 700x986)
Anybody like looking at old as fuck furry art? I think there's a certain charm to 90s and early 00s furry artwork, if you can look past the wealth of cringe
2 Anonymous 2020-01-08T19:25:49 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 3473276482.gif (GIF, 81.22KB, 836x1015)
3 Anonymous 2020-01-08T23:08:12
I keep forgetting that people used gif files for everything back then. PNG wasn't really properly a thing until the mid 2000s, but it feels like it's been around forever.
4 Anonymous 2020-01-11T21:52:44
I don't consider furry art made after the advent of personal computing to be "old".
5 Anonymous 2020-01-13T05:56:54 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: the dirtbombs.jpg (JPEG, 168.86KB, 1072x655)
6 Anonymous 2020-01-13T18:16:26
I think a lot of it, especially the webcomics, felt like it came from a single place more than it does now. From the late 70s through the early 2000s, furry was much more of a unified fandom than the generalized subculture it became thanks to pokemon and sonic fans on newgrounds and deviantart. Being a furry didn't just mean that you found cartoon animals cute, or even that you wanted to bone them. It meant that you were part of this specific community with it's own cultural norms.
7 Anonymous 2020-01-15T14:29:27
Everything is relative
8 Anonymous 2020-01-18T05:53:31 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 245732bbb9277c1168c5e346f61925… (GIF, 4.24MB, 300x136)
Guess who animated this?
9 Anonymous 2020-01-18T17:22:33
I don't know how I know this, but I'm pretty sure that's Rot13: Bfnzh Grmhxn
10 Anonymous 2020-01-19T15:13:06

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