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1 Anonymous 2020-10-16T05:03:03
Anyone else remember this site? The guy took it down because he really thought it was somehow racist. That's kind of sad.
2 Anonymous 2020-10-16T15:21:41
Why'd you start a thread for this? Not to be rude but imo it doesn't really warrant it.
Anonymous 2020-10-17T14:11:26
piss offffffffffffffffffffffff
Anonymous 2020-10-16T23:40:02
There is literally nothing to discuss. The random thoughts thread was created for a reason.
Anonymous 2020-10-16T23:13:56
That's fair. Carry on
Anonymous 2020-10-16T21:51:13
I wanted to talk about it somewhere I knew people wouldn't start flinging shit at each other
3 Anonymous 2020-10-22T03:01:24
>The guy took it down because he really thought it was somehow racist
So he says, but he might also just be covering his ass. Obama stopped being relevant, and these days people get cancelled left and right for whatever reason. It's not really worth the hassle. Fortunately there's still snapshots on archive.org.
Anonymous 2020-10-23T22:10:54
Yeah; it happens both ways too, see "incel" and "snowflake" for instance. dunno if that phenomenon has a name or not
Anonymous 2020-10-22T17:10:50
Funny pattern I've noticed is that a small handful liberals will use a term for like a week, then conservatives will start using that word in a mocking manner. This eventually spreads its way to the rest of the web from 4chan to twitter to youtube to reddit to twitter, and then everyone is using the term mockingly, even though liberals don't say it and barely even used it in the first place.

"Canceled" and "woke" and "problematic" are probably the most famous ones, but there's a lot more.

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