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1 guest@cc 2021-12-30T14:36:37 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: mm.jpg (JPEG, 18.16KB, 474x266)
So apparently I've been playing a lot with this program lately https://github.com/seebye/ueberzug. The program does what it is designed for which is, rendering image file into your terminal emulator. Out of all that, there's one important feature that is missing for my requirement. It's kind of awe that you can't have transparency rendering from the image into the terminal. Every time I render it, the transparency in the image got striped out. It could have been much more fun if the transparency in the image still intact.
2 guest@cc 2022-05-23T19:26:09
From a quick look it seems that the way it draws the image does not support transparency at all. I wonder if it is possible at all.
3 guest@cc 2022-09-04T00:06:55
All I've ever used it for are image previews in Ranger file manager. I don't know what else to do with it.

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