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1 Anonymous 2024-08-07T19:37:58 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: fgsfds.jpg (JPEG, 77.49KB, 640x480)
Dead board lul
2 Anonymous 2024-08-07T20:46:48 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1280476832859.gif (GIF, 954.83KB, 352x240)
3 Anonymous 2024-08-13T03:31:03
you dead
4 Anonymous 2024-08-13T16:02:31
I'm here hi hello
5 Anonymous 2024-08-15T02:12:01
hello dead friends
6 Anonymous 2024-08-15T17:14:02 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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I'm alive and well

1 Anonymous 2018-06-28T19:50:36 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: Nurse Angel Ririka SOS sub ind… (JPEG, 193.74 KB, 704x1005)
Just started watching Nurse Angel Ririka SOS. I'm enjoying it right from the word go, and had a similar experience with Wedding Peach. Magical Girls shows made for girls are super neat, tickles an itch in me I couldn't place for a long time.

Any of you watching shows about frilly pretty super heroines?
8 posts omitted
7 Anonymous 2019-02-13T13:56:08 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: akihabara-dennou-gumi_1657652.… (JPEG, 1.09 MB, 1165x1701)
Started watching through this show a little while back, and I'm surprised at how much I am enjoying it. Though I'm sad to say I kind of relate to having two friends who seem to hate each other , haha.
8 Anonymous 2019-02-13T14:52:53 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Has it been confirmed that the Doremi visual novels are getting animated?
9 Anonymous 2019-02-16T16:22:54 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: [deanzel] Cardcaptor Sakura - … (PNG, 877.03 KB, 960x720)
I'm finally watching Cardcdaptor Sakura for the first time, which is the first time I'll be watching a magical girl series that wasn't late-night anime. It's quite enjoyable so far. I really enjoy how Sakura wears so many different clothes and Kero's highlights on each of the costumes.
10 Anonymous 2021-11-09T21:30:29 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: wedding-peach1.jpg (JPEG, 60.8KB, 433x433)
People really did Wedding Peach dirty. It was a fun and charming little show.
12 Anonymous 2023-08-17T18:13:19

I think I've only seen this on TV in the past when it would get dubbed into English. I should try to give the show a proper watch now.

1 Anonymous 2018-06-04T19:24:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: int family2.jpg (JPEG, 1.2 MB, 2000x2000)
2 Anonymous 2018-06-04T21:26:35
It actually looks really cool. Can't say I have much interest in the board selection though, or the use of flags.
3 Anonymous 2018-06-06T05:15:22
It's fun to shitpost there until you realise that the main user base isn't taking the piss and are actually cancerous

1 Anonymous 2021-03-30T00:46:13 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: parasyte cover.jpg (JPEG, 401.86KB, 840x1200)
Name the latest anime you've watched or manga you've read right now. You don't need to talk about it or your opinions on it if you don't want to, just name it.
If you see this post, take the 2 seconds just to reply.
I'll start. Last read (reread for the third time) Parasyte.
27 posts omitted
29 Anonymous 2021-12-04T23:49:21
Just started reading Dainana Joshikai Houkou, not watching anything but waiting for the new Aria movie.

I think it's on hiatus again, but the slow release schedule is all right because I'd lose interest if it were any quicker.
30 Anonymous 2021-12-20T04:31:50
Read a chapter of Itai-oneesan earlier
Watched the most recent episode of tropical rouge precure too, it was a recap with notably bad animation but there were a couple good bits so im happy
31 Anonymous 2024-01-10T10:42:32
I just picked up Lone Wolf and Cub. Its a classic but for some reason I've never read it despite being obsessed with the samurai genre.
32 Anonymous 2024-01-31T03:24:50
I read this short story that I had bookmarked at some point: https://mimidoshima.wordpress.com/2020/08/06/vr-oldsters-first-love/
It's about an old(?) guy and VR and the guy said not to post the scanlation anywhere else so I'm just linking it.
33 Anonymous 2024-02-06T02:11:15
I watched Zankyo No Terror. I still have no idea what the fuck was going on. The English scene was hilarious. Love it when Japanese try to pronounce English words written in kana. It was okay. Just felt like typical teen angst stuff.

1 Anonymous 2020-08-15T15:29:37 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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ITT post the good memories you had with any of the kiss.sites or anime streaming sites in general
22 posts omitted
24 Anonymous 2020-09-10T06:28:39
Stop downloading Coalgirls.
25 Anonymous 2020-09-26T21:42:01
How Coalgirls realeses are so big anyway?
They are ridiculous and don't even look better.
26 Anonymous 2023-02-09T21:25:28
Like other anons have said, the comment section was it for me. Even back in the day all the big sites had closed down their comment sections, but such a blatantly illegal site with such a ming-boggling (100 million at least IIRC) following painted the Internet as such a lively place. Now it's sterile and dead. Cruising random shitty OVAs and seeing a genuine thought left by a random human being, not some bot...nothing so gold can stay
27 Anonymous 2023-06-05T03:42:37
Just use ani-cli.
28 Anonymous 2023-06-07T01:25:12
I really like Kawaiifu's floating comments. Unfortunately no one uses the site.

1 Nameless 2019-12-11T17:46:45 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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6 posts omitted
8 Anonymous 2021-10-30T17:29:00
9 Anonymous 2023-01-03T19:07:30
that new di gi charat just ended, and NO ONE GAVE A SHIT!
10 Anonymous 2023-01-03T20:32:10 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: [MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi Cha… (JPEG, 281.94KB, 1920x1080)
I like it. It's not going to have the same kind of impact as the first one did for many reasons, but it was enjoyable. MoyaiSubs still has 5 episodes left to translate, so I haven't seen all of them.
11 Anonymous 2023-03-11T20:54:21 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1672816184374.jpg (JPEG, 309.48KB, 1920x1080)
Spoiler: they never finished translating it, but that's fine, because their translations were pure shit, both intentionally and unintentionally
12 Anonymous 2023-03-25T21:56:35
They did sub another episode after your post and there's only two remaining.
I don't have much of a choice. If you're offering superior subs I'll take them. The Pokemon jelly donuts thing is kind of funny, but yeah that's a strange thing to do.

1 Anonymous 2022-03-12T17:51:08 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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🭑🬾 🭇🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭩🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭐🭮🭂🭂🭂🭍🭖🭂🭏🭮🭂🭂🭍🭂🭂🭂🭌🬿🭧
🭌🭌 🭊🭁🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭁🭌🭝🭎🭁🭝🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭌🭌🮛🭪🭝🭌🭌🭌🭎 🭥🭝🭝🭝🭪🭒🭌🭎🭨🭒🭝🭞🭜🭧🭒🭌🭏
🭝🭪🭏 🭄🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭒🭌🭟🭃🭝🭝🭟🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🮛🭐🭁🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭥🭝🭌🭌🭥🭝🭝🭌🭍🭂🭑 🭢🭕🭌
🭠🭘🭜🭙🭅🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭡🭁🭝🭋🭌🭝🭠🭯🭅🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭠🭁🭌🭝🮛🭎🭝🭌🭖🭝🭝🭈 🭖🭝🭌🭀🭖🭌🭝🭝🮛🭌🭌🬿 🭔
🭙 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭋🭝🭝🭅🭝🭝🭠🮚🭖🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟🭢🭌🭌🭝🭅🭨🭝🭟🭅🭝🭟🭨🭓🭑🬽🭔🭝🭐 🭔🭝🭌🭐🭒🭝🭌🭑🭉🭁
🭅🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭜🭙🭆🭟 🭭🭗 🭢🭧🭢🭝🭟 🭅🭌🭝🭅🭃🭝🭜🭗 🭧🭚🭣🭧🭓🭒🭟🭖🭒🭝🭝🭌🭏
🭁🭝🭪🭨🭌🭂🭂🭝🭉🭠🭗🭇🭋🭋🭂🭂🬿 🭯🭇🭖🭡 🭅🭝🭙🭄🭠🭆🭂🭢🭋🭟🭃🭌🭌🭌🭌🭑🭊🭇🭥 🭔🭍🭅🭩🭑🭃🭃🭌
🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭮🭡🭇🭁🭀🭅🭓🭓🭓🭌🬾🭯🭪🭡 🭝🭙🭃🭝🭖🭝🭛🭂🭦🭨🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭥🭅🭌🭏🬼🭦🭡🭃🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟
🭂🭬🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭙🭃🭞 🭤🭣🬽 🭆🭁🭌🭛🭋🭡🭈🭟 🭜🭘🭣🭘🭣🭣🭣 🭧🭓🭒🭌🬼🭛🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭎
🭍🭀🭝🭡🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🬾🭦🭏🬼 🭑 🭌🭑🭖🭝🭟🭅🭅🭅🭟🭙 🭇🬼 🭆🬾 🭣🭧🭝🭐🭅🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭝🭛🭔🭐🭒🭝🭝🭌🭥🭒🭐 🭖🭎 🭄🭐🬼 🭍🭁🭝🭪🭒🭋🭪🭄🭌🭌🭁🭌🭁🭈🬼 🭖🭬🭇🭂🭝🭋🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭚 🭦🭐🭖🭝🭝🭝🭀🭤🭒🬿🭢🭒🭇🭔🭐 🭯🭇🬼🭉🭌🭌🭌🭌🬾🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭒🭌🭣🭗🬼 🬼 🭅🭙🭕🭝🭨🭁🭠🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭛
🭔🭢🭔🭝🭌🭌🬼 🭧🬿🭦🭩🭝🭝🭬🭣🭜🭆🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭧🭜🭘🭄🭌🭪🭠🭄🭞🭘🭃🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭋
🭢 🭢🭕🭝🭝🭌🬿 🭧🭒🭌🭁🭂🭂🭁🭒🭝🭛🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭍🭍🭂🭂🭝🭜🭗🭁🭄🮚🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭙 🭃
🭣🭓🭝🭝🭍🬼🭋🭌🭂🭝🭌🭌🭁🭁🭁🭌🭐🭔🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭂🭁🭝🭜🭄🭝🭝🭝🭞🭚 🭅🭞
🭢🭨🭧🭓🮛🭧🭒🭌🭌🭌🭌🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭠🭜🭆🭁🭞🭞🭪🭪🭗 🭮🭚
🭭🭁🭝🭡 🭢🭕🭒🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🬽 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭚
🭋🭝🭌🭛 🭢🭨🭓🭒🭌🭌🭌🭍🭑🬽🬽🬽🬽🬽🭈🭈🭆🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭜🭗 🭇
🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭏🭄🭂🭉🭁🭝🭝🭗 🭇🭆🭕🭌🬾🭣🭧🭒🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭞🭜🭘 🬼 🭆🭝
🭝🭌🭁🭁🭌🭁🭌🭝🭚🭃🭌🭝🭙 🭠🭆🭁🭀 🭊 🭢🭥🭓🭒🭝🭝🭝🭞🭞🭜🭘🭗 🭊🭁🭛 🭊🭂🭄🭁
🭌🭌🭌🭁🭝🭝🭌🭠🭃🭞🭜🭚 🭕🭝🭝🭐🭃🭝🭯 🭅🭂🭂🭝🭞🭙 🭄🭝🭝🭛🭇🭂🭡🭁🭌🭌

Chaika in the text page
2 Anonymous 2022-03-12T17:56:57

🭑🬾 🭇🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭩🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭐🭮🭂🭂🭂🭍🭖🭂🭏🭮🭂🭂🭍🭂🭂🭂🭌🬿🭧
🭌🭌 🭊🭁🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭁🭌🭝🭎🭁🭝🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭌🭌🮛🭪🭝🭌🭌🭌🭎 🭥🭝🭝🭝🭪🭒🭌🭎🭨🭒🭝🭞🭜🭧🭒🭌🭏
🭝🭪🭏 🭄🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭒🭌🭟🭃🭝🭝🭟🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🮛🭐🭁🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭥🭝🭌🭌🭥🭝🭝🭌🭍🭂🭑 🭢🭕🭌
🭠🭘🭜🭙🭅🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭡🭁🭝🭋🭌🭝🭠🭯🭅🭌🭌🭝🭌🭝🭠🭁🭌🭝🮛🭎🭝🭌🭖🭝🭝🭈 🭖🭝🭌🭀🭖🭌🭝🭝🮛🭌🭌🬿 🭔
🭙 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭋🭝🭝🭅🭝🭝🭠🮚🭖🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟🭢🭌🭌🭝🭅🭨🭝🭟🭅🭝🭟🭨🭓🭑🬽🭔🭝🭐 🭔🭝🭌🭐🭒🭝🭌🭑🭉🭁
🭅🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭜🭙🭆🭟 🭭🭗 🭢🭧🭢🭝🭟 🭅🭌🭝🭅🭃🭝🭜🭗 🭧🭚🭣🭧🭓🭒🭟🭖🭒🭝🭝🭌🭏
🭁🭝🭪🭨🭌🭂🭂🭝🭉🭠🭗🭇🭋🭋🭂🭂🬿 🭯🭇🭖🭡 🭅🭝🭙🭄🭠🭆🭂🭢🭋🭟🭃🭌🭌🭌🭌🭑🭊🭇🭥 🭔🭍🭅🭩🭑🭃🭃🭌
🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭮🭡🭇🭁🭀🭅🭓🭓🭓🭌🬾🭯🭪🭡 🭝🭙🭃🭝🭖🭝🭛🭂🭦🭨🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭥🭅🭌🭏🬼🭦🭡🭃🭝🭝🭝🭝🭟
🭂🭬🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭙🭃🭞 🭤🭣🬽 🭆🭁🭌🭛🭋🭡🭈🭟 🭜🭘🭣🭘🭣🭣🭣 🭧🭓🭒🭌🬼🭛🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭎
🭍🭀🭝🭡🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🬾🭦🭏🬼 🭑 🭌🭑🭖🭝🭟🭅🭅🭅🭟🭙 🭇🬼 🭆🬾 🭣🭧🭝🭐🭅🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭝🭛🭔🭐🭒🭝🭝🭌🭥🭒🭐 🭖🭎 🭄🭐🬼 🭍🭁🭝🭪🭒🭋🭪🭄🭌🭌🭁🭌🭁🭈🬼 🭖🭬🭇🭂🭝🭋🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝🭝
🭚 🭦🭐🭖🭝🭝🭝🭀🭤🭒🬿🭢🭒🭇🭔🭐 🭯🭇🬼🭉🭌🭌🭌🭌🬾🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭒🭌🭣🭗🬼 🬼 🭅🭙🭕🭝🭨🭁🭠🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭛
🭔🭢🭔🭝🭌🭌🬼 🭧🬿🭦🭩🭝🭝🭬🭣🭜🭆🭁🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭌 🭧🭜🭘🭄🭌🭪🭠🭄🭞🭘🭃🭝🭌🭌🭝🭛🭋
🭢 🭢🭕🭝🭝🭌🬿 🭧🭒🭌🭁🭂🭂🭁🭒🭝🭛🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭍🭍🭂🭂🭝🭜🭗🭁🭄🮚🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭙 🭃
🭣🭓🭝🭝🭍🬼🭋🭌🭂🭝🭌🭌🭁🭁🭁🭌🭐🭔🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭂🭁🭝🭜🭄🭝🭝🭝🭞🭚 🭅🭞
🭢🭨🭧🭓🮛🭧🭒🭌🭌🭌🭌🭁🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭝🭌🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭠🭜🭆🭁🭞🭞🭪🭪🭗 🭮🭚
🭭🭁🭝🭡 🭢🭕🭒🭝🭌🭌🭌🭌🬽 🭅🭌🭌🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭞🭚
🭋🭝🭌🭛 🭢🭨🭓🭒🭌🭌🭌🭍🭑🬽🬽🬽🬽🬽🭈🭈🭆🭁🭌🭌🭌🭌🭌🭝🭜🭗 🭇
🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭂🭏🭄🭂🭉🭁🭝🭝🭗 🭇🭆🭕🭌🬾🭣🭧🭒🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭝🭝🭌🭌🭝🭝🭝🭞🭜🭘 🬼 🭆🭝
🭝🭌🭁🭁🭌🭁🭌🭝🭚🭃🭌🭝🭙 🭠🭆🭁🭀 🭊 🭢🭥🭓🭒🭝🭝🭝🭞🭞🭜🭘🭗 🭊🭁🭛 🭊🭂🭄🭁
🭌🭌🭌🭁🭝🭝🭌🭠🭃🭞🭜🭚 🭕🭝🭝🭐🭃🭝🭯 🭅🭂🭂🭝🭞🭙 🭄🭝🭝🭛🭇🭂🭡🭁🭌🭌

Chaika in monospace
3 Anonymous 2022-03-12T18:02:52

🭢🭒🭌🭌🭌🭜 🭅 🭤 🮚🭉 🭤🭝🭑 🭮 🭤🭬🬼 🭈🭆🭑🬼 🭥
🭥🭒🭝🭚 🬼 🭉🭙 🭉🭛 🮚🭦 🭝🭝🬿 🭏 🭣🭣🭧🭒🭝🭌🬿
🭈🭂🭆🭃🭛 🭋🭙 🭅 🭋🭫🭬 🭊 🮚🭤 🭀 🭞🭒🭝🬿 🭖🬿 🮚 🭢🭕🭝🭒🬾
🭃🭝🭌🭚 🭡 🭛 🭊🮛🭀 🭇 🭉🭌 🭛🭬 🭉🭛 🭉🭬🬽🭧🭓🬾 🭦🭌🬾 🭦 🭧🭟🭗
🭌🭌🭟 🭋🭛🭊🭇 🭅🭚🬼🭀 🮚 🭃🭡 🭋🭋 🭋🭏🭆🭄🭑🭑🭌🭑🬽 🭤🭓🭎 🭢🭀 🭖
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Chaika in inverted monospace
4 Anonymous 2022-03-13T09:10:02
This is scaring me.
5 Anonymous 2022-03-13T19:20:16
Chaika on the internet!
6 Anonymous 2023-02-14T21:36:08 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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1 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Why is Kirino Kousaka, female lead of the acclaimed series Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't be this Cute), best girl?
2 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
because we just want to fuck our sisters
3 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
This is one of those popular things that I told myself that I'd watch eventually, but I never did.
4 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
But that's forbidden love.


The first season is okay. The second season is a trainwreck, but it's worth watching just so you can go into Oreimo threads and fully appreciate how anally agitated people are about it.
5 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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6 Anonymous 2023-01-29T21:40:05

I would.

1 Anonymous 2018-07-31T23:54:50 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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thsi looks like a nice board

are the people here nice
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5 Anonymous 2018-08-01T07:36:55
Not yet but you’re working on it.
6 Anonymous 2018-08-01T16:42:59
Go back to Tumblr until you can learn to punctuate like an adult.
7 Anonymous 2018-08-02T03:54:29
probably not
8 Anonymous 2018-08-02T09:01:42
Sorry, we aren't nice people so you better prepare to get roasted, kid!
10 Anonymous 2022-10-20T18:14:33
We're gonna take your lunch money dweeb!

1 Anonymous 2019-05-09T07:01:12 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Post late 90s-early 00s moe
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66 Anonymous 2022-01-05T19:04:07 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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67 Anonymous 2022-01-22T02:20:01 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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68 Anonymous 2022-01-22T02:28:21 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Tea with Bunny!
69 Anonymous 2022-01-24T00:05:52 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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70 Anonymous 2022-09-06T15:37:50 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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1 Anonymous 2022-08-31T19:21:07 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Is anyone going to watch this? It's a mini-anime like the original, so I doubt it'll catch the attention of much anime imageboard browsers besides a few avatarfags scraping all of the .webms and screenshots they can get their hands on.
Here's the trailer for those who haven't seen it. I love Hiroaki-san's directorial work, so I'll definitely be keeping up with all of the episodes when it comes out.
2 Anonymous 2022-09-03T00:52:29 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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did not know about this
3 Anonymous 2022-09-06T15:36:10
I'm defitnitely going to watch it even though it won't be as good as the original but I'm hoping it will at least enjoyable for me.

1 Anonymous 2022-01-25T01:22:24 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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tell me about your favorite mecha, almost anything counts, from FLCL to Macross.
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17 Anonymous 2022-03-29T17:26:03
Do you mean the recent 3D announcement I mentioned? I think it's unknown whether or not it's a sequel or not. I won't bother following it, either, but it's kind of interesting to see that they're still throwing money at it and hoping for a miracle. It must mean the sequels, however panned, were successful.
18 Anonymous 2022-03-31T10:50:17
I haven't watched FLCL, but I've read the translated light novels. I didn't like them too much. So much agonizing over being not grown yet. But I liked the webcomic Homestuck which has those themes too. My tastes must have changed from getting older.
19 Anonymous 2022-04-11T05:49:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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>reads a novelization of something that is best seen as a test reel for animation techniques

>thinks he has the right to wax superior when he read the translated version

either go big or go home
20 Anonymous 2022-04-17T20:26:19
I'd seriously recommend watching the OVA, you missed out on the soundtrack. Which makes the show to be completely honest.
21 Anonymous 2022-07-27T17:33:03 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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What I love about Patlabor is that not only are its robots believable (not realistic, that's a different thing), they're also *mundane*. I mean, it's a beat cop anime with robots, which is a cool idea by itself, but you also see robots being used for boring jobs like constructions, and you even get to see them being transported on trucks like all work machines. I love that.
At the same time, I'll have to admit that it was the movies that really won me over. They're Mamoru Oshii movies first and mecha movies second. (I mean, I was nerding out over the fighter jets for most of the movie, not the robots...) You know how it is with his movies.

1 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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why is love live the best idol
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13 Anonymous 2021-12-20T17:42:43
Damn this thread is old.
14 Anonymous 2022-05-29T06:04:27 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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is this the love live?
15 Anonymous 2022-05-29T11:21:30
I only watched the original series, should I watch sunshine and whatever the new one is? Are they any good?
16 Anonymous 2022-06-01T00:10:48
I've heard mixed things, but if you're a big fan of the original why not try it? It's not my thing, personally, but I haven't heard anything terrible about it, just some nitpicking that I can't really prove or disprove.
17 Anonymous 2022-06-12T21:55:41 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Sunshine season 1 is really good if you like the new characters and don't mind a bit of a plot retread with completely different cast, but season 2 isn't very good. I thought the movie got back to s1 feel and would like it better than the muse one if the rival group parts were cut out.

Niji is a spinoff (though some people would get really mad if they heard this, season 1 is your typical shallow upbeat slice of life but there is a music video at the end of most episodes and a yuri subplot near the end. Season 2 (which is airing now) is boring if you unless you are a big fan of the new characters. Overall its very skippable.

What I think you meant was the new one is superstar, its quite good and has the best 3dcg in the series. (excluding the song in episode 1) It captures the spirit of the show but gives a lot less importance to the group dynamic, its less "make a group, get as many people as possible, and then go straight for being the best group ever" and more focused on the development of the leader (to a lesser degree the rest) with some great songs and fun moments of them being friends along the way. This one has 2 characters that are unlikable at the very start, and the plot of the school council president was probably the worst one in love live, but I found it fun to watch and a welcome change to the traditional love live formula.

So if you liked the original series and want more watch sunshine, its shares much in common with the original while being subtly different in fundamental ways, making it its own experience while still feeling familiar. Superstar is the one I would recommend to people new to the series as it feels the most modern (SIP in particular feels like a product of its time) and its accessible while retaining quality, though they are also forcing new characters into it so it might end up with the dynamics that made it good and unique destroyed. I am hoping for the best but its always safe to be pessimistic.

1 Anonymous 2019-07-17T20:38:04 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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One of the things I most enjoyed about Kemono Friends was the knowledge that I could enjoy the series and it's surrounding culture in a completely casual way.
After I watched it a few times, I felt no need to obsess over it, no need to research the drama at Kadokawa, no need to follow fan artists on Twitter for the latest fan comics, nothing. Just a relatively small image folder and I was fine. I haven't even touched S2, which seems to have been a wise choice.

Coming from a background of obsessing over things, with Milky Holmes coming to mind, it's nice being able to lightly enjoy something. Whenever I see a Friend image, I'm immediately filled with good feelings about enjoying the show, rather than any bitterness that obsession usually brings.

Do you cats have any anime that you feel this way about?
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6 Anonymous 2019-07-19T20:05:50
Fuqqqin' casuals.
Anonymous (Sat)Jul 20 2019 04:01:40
yah. I've (>>4) only watched one show since KF ended. I don't have the energy to be committed to anything at all anymore.
7 Anonymous 2019-07-23T12:41:42 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Come on G don't be like that.
8 Anonymous 2019-08-19T18:30:32
you wouldn't happen to be from seacats, would you?
9 Anonymous 2019-08-21T14:48:54
I like to watch anime that gets memed on like Death Note or Naruto while ignoring everything about the fanbase and also everything people say about the fanbase
10 Anonymous 2022-01-11T08:09:33
>I like to watch anime that gets memed on like Death Note or Naruto while ignoring everything about the fanbase and also everything people say about the fanbase
GOOD plan.

1 Anonymous 2021-11-13T23:38:14 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Don't mind me, I just really like this particular show.
It's one of the first Gundam shows I actually watched, so I guess I didn't watch it in the right order, but I still enjoyed it greatly.
2 Anonymous 2021-11-13T23:40:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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More than anything, I think the show is just pleasant to watch. Even though it is a war story, the atmosphere and vast interaction has a calming effect on me.
3 Anonymous 2021-11-13T23:49:25 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Favorite scene in the show right here. The entire episode was really strong, in fact.
4 Anonymous 2021-11-21T18:33:56 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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Gunka no Kioku

I'm often amazed at just how versatile Yoko Kanno is.
5 Anonymous 2021-12-12T22:41:42 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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