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1 guest@cc 2022-05-29T02:16:45 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1506574359979.webm (WEBM, 1.23MB, 540x360)
I recently remembered that I had a spare low powered GPU around my apartment. Since one of the monitors I was using only had VGA, I figured I could use the card to power that monitor and have a proper dual screen set-up.
A few days of research, trail, error and wiping my OS disks multiple times, I got it to work, but only after eschewing desktop environments.
Despite it being a seemingly common and well documented feature, for some reason many desktop environments don't know how to handle more than one Xscreen, based on my experience with XFCE, KDE and MATE. Sure, it is easier to just use the inputs already available on one GPU, but in my case this wasn't an option since my card lacked the right input without an adapter. According to the reading I've done online, using multiple GPUs for each monitor was a normal thing, has the feature become that depreciated with time?
2 guest@cc 2022-05-30T09:45:31
Only window managers I've ever used are dwm and icewm, Xinerama's just worked in those cases.
3 guest@cc 2022-05-31T01:50:22
I did get Xinerama working with xfce a few days back, but I noticed that some of the programs I like don't play nice with it. I wouldn't mind trying it out in the future though.
I'm currently on Fluxbox, and I've been able to get my set-up working on it. It wasn't easy, but that's not the WM's fault, I just had to learn more about how xorg works to get things going. Now I just have to settle in to doing more configuration by hand.
4 guest@cc 2022-06-10T03:19:45
Of course an edge case like that is going to be largely unsupported.
5 guest@cc 2022-06-11T20:03:49
In a way, I guess the lack of support can be seen as a good thing, as users no longer have to buy multiple cards to have multiple monitors running. Still, it was a bit of an inconvenience.

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