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1 guest@cc 2018-06-05T17:17:21
So, Microsoft has bought Github.What do you think will happen?
I think this has the potential to turn out good, but it will probably just make Github a worse place.
2 guest@cc 2018-06-05T18:56:53
Well I know I'm going to be moving the 4chan source code off github at least. Will have to find a nice alternative place to put it. Probably gitlab.
3 guest@cc 2018-06-05T18:57:26
4 guest@cc 2018-06-05T19:48:34
Microsoft has a questionable track record but ruining Github would be a massively fucking stupid move, and I imagine that they will be careful. There are also worse companies than Microsoft.
5 guest@cc 2018-06-05T21:34:29
Oh boy...
Why are they pushing towards the "open source" look all of a sudden? First it was their announcement of a new os using Gnu/linux and now this.
6 guest@cc 2018-06-05T21:44:24
It's git, you should have your own copy anyway.

Why not both?
7 guest@cc 2018-06-05T23:01:23
>place to put it

Couldn't you run your own git server? cgit web frontend?
8 guest@cc 2018-06-06T05:50:14
Microsoft is losing popularity, they are desperately trying to latch onto something...
9 guest@cc 2018-06-06T18:45:53
But of course actually using their money to do anything genuinely useful to earn a fanbase is out of the question. Just more smoke, mirrors, gimmicks, and taking advantage of those who don't know any better. Business as usual.
10 guest@cc 2018-06-07T06:33:56
How are they losing popularity? I thought Windows was used by everyone
11 guest@cc 2018-06-07T22:55:15
Corporations can't ever be content with stable income. They always have to try to grow, often ruining everything along the way.
You'd think Microsoft could be content to just deliver a good OS that's basically installed on EVERY PC sold anywhere, but nope that's not good enough, it's never enough.
There are huge markets in the computer world that they weren't a part of, so they just had to do like google, and facebook, and turn windows into a surveillance system. And they just have to pull obvious gimmicks to _force_ people to buy new versions of windows, etc..

Nobody who knows anything likes Microsoft anymore. At best Windows is just tolerated, and in many cases that's only because window7 is still decent.
12 guest@cc 2018-06-08T02:23:28
>good OS


When has Windows ever been good?

13 guest@cc 2018-06-08T05:13:36
What's a good OS, then?
15 guest@cc 2018-06-08T08:29:49
16 guest@cc 2018-06-08T13:00:28
They're going to add new features, and their going to make them exclusive to Windows / Microsoft services. They will eventually break compatibility with standard Git once the new features become ubiquitous.
They are scheming something, and it will probably entail at least a similar idea to the above.
What I'm not sure of is if they are targeting Git, or something else. It could be that they plan to make Github a hassle for users on platforms other than Windows.
17 guest@cc 2018-06-08T13:12:30
Does it actually use GNU? I was under the impression that it only used the Linux kernel, and that Microsoft made the rest of the OS.
Sage for second post. >>16
18 guest@cc 2018-06-08T17:08:24
Not that anon, but I'm guessing that it does considering that that's how their "linux subsystems" work that they released a while back for all Windows users.
The funny thing is in that case it's literally 0% Linux because it's not using the kernel. This other one will be though I guess. I see no reason they would hype one "Linux" installation with GNU tools and not the other.
They would have a really long way to go if they wanted to re-make their own versions of things like ssh, and there would be nothing to gain from it.
19 guest@cc 2018-06-08T17:12:07
>Not that anon

Sorry, I guess I should have said "Not that guest".
20 guest@cc 2018-06-08T19:46:50
so is anyone stepping up to attempt to archive github?
does archive.org already archive it?
21 guest@cc 2018-06-08T19:50:21
The real question is; does archive.org archive itself? hmmmmmmm
22 guest@cc 2018-06-08T20:27:07
Wrong way around. Windows's Linux subsystem uses GNU software (actual GNU software) but implements a Linux-compatible kernel from scratch.
So, funnily enough, people who say the GPL preserves some sorta extra freedom are wrong.
23 guest@cc 2018-06-08T23:26:51
In the short run I don't think they'll change the platform much; Microsoft's name is a big enough garantee to get entreprise contracts to make it profitable and alienating Github users would ruin their latest "Microshit loves OSS" marketing trick. Seems like they're planning better integration with Visual Studio without discountinuing Atom.
Github will still be shit but hopefully they won't make it worse too fast.
24 guest@cc 2018-06-09T11:00:09
How does Microsoft using that software impair users' freedom?
25 guest@cc 2018-06-10T08:46:36
There was someone talking about it on /g/ yesterday.
26 guest@cc 2021-03-06T13:50:09
>Bad license

27 guest@cc 2021-03-06T13:51:22
Have you ever tried it or are one of those people that join the bandwagon just because of W10 Bad.

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