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1 guest@cc 2018-10-23T05:04:35 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1526098250598.gif (GIF, 1.85 MB, 724x390)
Do you want to be my friend?
2 guest@cc 2018-10-23T05:41:35
The back button made me double post.
You have to fix that buddy.
3 guest@cc 2018-10-23T09:23:13
Most programmers I'm familiar with only believe in whatever suits the interest of their employer/potential employers and value whatever is currently popular in profitable fields regardless of its quality
4 guest@cc 2018-10-23T10:30:25 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 0315c5b166e4e4ace50a46b84135af… (JPEG, 120.88 KB, 1440x1080)

5 guest@cc 2018-10-23T20:59:24 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: PostRedirectGet_DoubleSubmitSo… (PNG, 52.07 KB)
Where's the shitabamin?

Response with a 200 status are cached by clients, hitting the back button will post again. You need to implement the PRG pattern. That way you could get rid of the auto-refreshing "success page" from the 90ies.

6 guest@cc 2018-10-23T21:27:10
Not reposting on back would be worth doing if it could be done without a ridiculous amount of work, but who gives or has ever given a shit about the redirecting 'successful post' page?
7 guest@cc 2018-10-23T21:42:14
You can delete threads and posts within an hour after making them, you just have to enter the thread and click the Del button
8 guest@cc 2018-10-23T23:47:16
It's not hard. Instead of replying: 200 "html success page with meta refresh" you reply 302 with empty content and a header ["Location", "/redirection/path"]. The client will follow that path. 30x status are not cached, no double post.

>who gives or has ever given a shit about the redirecting 'successful post' page?

Everybody. Imagine pressing the back button after buying a dildo on Amazon and being charged a second time.

9 guest@cc 2018-10-24T08:23:25
But this is an imageboard.
I said that wouldnt hurt to fix, it just seemed like you were implying there was some issue with it beyond just the posting twice.
10 guest@cc 2018-10-24T08:54:24
It's not a big deal and it's a common and small mistake. Now that it's been diagnosed and that a solution has been offered let's get over it.

I came here because I'm intrigued by your ideas. You are creative.
11 guest@cc 2018-10-24T10:36:07
That's not the owner. This is >>7
I am interested in this conversation though. What I'm mostly interested in is if there would be any side effects to less mainstream browsers, but it's worth testing.
12 guest@cc 2018-10-24T11:51:09
That's the standard. Even Links will follow the redirection header after posting success
Now if you're using something really primitiv lik cURL or Telnet or shitpost.sh, it will act as follow
1. post to some url
2. get a 30x response (meaning success), with a header [Location, /some/path] which it isn't goiing to follow. But it doesn't listen to that current "200, success page with meta refresh" either.

13 guest@cc 2018-10-28T01:39:25
>>5 Your ideas are dangerously un-VIP.
14 guest@cc 2018-10-29T17:53:50
15 guest@cc 2020-03-11T17:16:44
Aw. I remember making this thread.

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