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1 Anonymous 2021-11-25T02:14:02 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 17df4bbcfc06e06261cf0e29327d2c… (JPEG, 224.87KB, 1200x1600)
I've been thinking about the gyaru trend. Nerds fantasizing about girls from subcultures they know almost nothing about except the most superficial and stereotypical elements. It's bizarre. The gyaru of otaku media are simulacra. Many things are in otaku media perhaps, but what makes the gyaru case so eyebrow-raising is the obsession with subcultures one is not actually a "fan" of, or a part of. It's like being a poser, but not because you're trying to fit in, but rather because you... think being a poser is cool. Thereby, you render the meaning of poser meaningless. You could make an analogy with so-called art hoes and similar internet types who just care about aesthetics not the thing behind the aesthetics, or people who hate anime because it's "childish" but then admit to liking straight shota hentai. Maybe it is a sign of a larger breakdown of subculture in general, where the individual appropriates whatever he sees fit, and there is no rhyme or reason behind it. To quote a prophetic britpop song, now it's IN to be OUT.
2 Anonymous 2021-11-27T22:13:11
Is it really still a trend? I remember it being a thing like 20 years ago, and if women are still doing it I think it can just be called a normal thing now.
Everything is fap fodder and gyaru offers a good sense of variety. The visuals are obvious, but with the stereotyped personality there's good material for stories, especially when subverting it the stereotype. You can throw one into a story and people already know the basic premises of the character.
I don't really know what to say about the internet people stuff, I steer clear from that stuff as much as I can.
3 Anonymous 2021-12-21T06:39:41
The real life trend is long over, but OP is talking about the trend of gyaru in 2D contents, which there's a lot more of now than there used to be. There's the obvious Nagatoro and other similar manga where a gyaru main girl teases a socially inept protagonist, and many popular 18+ doujinshi of recent years have similar scenarios.
4 Anonymous 2021-12-30T16:27:25
Bimbos are going through a revival right now, but the Y2K aesthetic is probably not going to last much longer. Tomboys are in.
5 Anonymous 2022-01-11T13:08:20
I don't see what it has to do with the concept of being a poser. It's even further removed than that. And I don't think being a poser is cool.
6 Anonymous 2022-09-12T05:57:45
more like it's dumbed down like everything because it's art and relying on a template is cheaper and easier for korean slave animators to produce quickly. I think it's more cringe to pretend to be a libtard defending non oppressed whores(from a totally different culture) when you're just a horny fuck looking up pictures like that. if you're guilty maybe you can turn it into an NTR fantasy where your gaijin ass tries futilely to save your precious gyaru only to get his ass beat and cucked by chad yakuza members.
Anonymous 2022-10-10T16:19:33
You sound like you're a joy to be around...
7 Anonymous 2022-10-09T07:17:26
A lot of assumptions, missing the point of OP.
8 Anonymous 2022-10-10T03:42:14
make an ass out of u and me
9 Anonymous 2022-10-14T06:17:18
the point of op was retarded because of the simple fact that gyaru is an amalgamation of foreign stereotypes to begin with, japan is a superficial and stereotypical culture inherently(one writer described it as a culture of magazines, as in you could tell what everyone read by looking at them), plus already borrows many elements from american culture including anime(the original anime from the 60s were basically dumbed down american cartoons) so it makes perfect sense that would be the case, on top of that your fixation on otaku culture which used to be a substrata in their society reeks of superficial obsession of your own. by the way it's EXACTLY AS I SAY IT IS but I do anticipate your balking so by all means do so.

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