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1 Anonymous 2022-06-03T03:32:41 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: kirk spock.jpg (JPEG, 222.68KB, 1280x720)
Did you know there are at least 5783 gay fanfics of Kirk+Spock? I didn't but i find it fascinating.

>Kirk closed his eyes as all concentration centered on the pleasure in his groin. "Ghods," he gasped. "It's beautiful, Spock. That feels so good." It had been too long for both of them.

>A deep growl was slowly emerging from the Vulcan's chest. Kirk reached and began stroking his partner's green-tinged penis. It jumped at his touch, and he had to grasp it firmly to hold it.

Turns out spock has a green dick.
2 Anonymous 2022-06-03T20:50:50
I'm honestly surprised there aren't more.
3 Anonymous 2022-06-10T01:27:00
I heard through the cursed internet grapevine that 70s mpreg Kirk is the earliest known fanfic depiction of mpreg.
I can't find it anymore but in my searching I also found https://fanlore.org/wiki/A_Fragment_Out_of_Time, thought to be not only the first Star Trek slashfic but also the first slashfic of any kind.
Anonymous 2022-06-11T03:50:34
I find it fascinating, some community that only wrote gay fanfic of kirk/spock somehow managed to create several thousand of them and as far as I can tell it disappeared.
4 Anonymous 2022-06-11T03:53:17
did TNG kill it or what happened to this community of homowriters? if not where did they go?

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