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1 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1487621017240.png (PNG, 316.68 KB, 460x635)
Don't mind me just creating a board
2 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
oh no its asuka spammer
3 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
That's not asukaspammer you silly goose
4 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Asuka spammer would've filled a few pages by now.
5 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Woah, 4taba got pretty fast, I kinda like it.
6 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I feel like I'm the first one who figured out that that's how untitled boards work
7 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
How does thread pruning happen here, anyway, if at all? I think it was the "only fast threads survive" pruning method that above all other things promoted the growth of cancer on 4chan.
8 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
150 threads are considered "live" and once a thread falls to 151 it becomes "marked for deletion" at which point it'll be deleted in 24hrs. Note that the count works based on live threads not based on page number, so a marked thread on page 11 can still be bumped but the thread it pushes down to page 11 won't get marked for deletion.
I agree with your thinking on fast threads, that's why I wanted to guarantee every thread live at least a full day.

Also I should mention that although the code to do this is in the site, I haven't turned it on yet because I'm too afraid there could be a bug and just delete everything.
The site's slow enough that it's not really a problem, every so often I just manually delete really old threads. One of these days I'll have to properly test the deleting code and then activate it.
9 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
>>7 >>8
Oh also, the "unlisted" boards might receive some additional pruning rules in the future. Otherwise there could be infinite threads all scattered around different boards and we don't have the disk space for that. The listed boards are of primary concern and the unlisted are really just extra space for fun, not for creating full featured boards like on 8ch
10 Anonymous 1969-12-31T17:00:00
>I'm too afraid there could be a bug and just delete everything.

Or somebody spams 150 threads and pushes everything off the board. The 24 hours thing gives you a bit of protection from that, but only if you visit at least once every 24 hours.

I agree there needn't be any rush to turn it on. Especially since the best way to find out what pruning method is superior is to try out several in practice. And there's not much useful testing that can be done at the board's present speed.
11 Anonymous 2018-05-31T16:32:41
You need to go back.
12 Anonymous 2018-08-25T22:18:26
i miss /qa/
13 Anonymous 2018-08-25T22:33:58
>>8 Keep them on an archive, like a DVD or something somewhere? It's autistic of me, but I hate the idea of threads being lost forever on messageboards.
14 Anonymous 2018-08-26T00:17:53
It feels sad, doesn't it? Even though real-life conversations are inherently transient. Maybe it's because digital text conversations stick around and have plenty of time to be "saved" before possibly fading.
15 Anonymous 2018-08-26T03:40:52
Yeah, I should just take it as a fact of life by now, but things that interest me, or make me laugh seem so scarce nowadays. Plus, there's so many posts that can be repurposed or reposted to get new reactions out of people. They're made anonymously, so they're in the public domain by default. Regardless of the individual value of posts though, I'd rather not discriminate, because I also like to trace things to their origin, back in chronological order.
16 Anonymous 2018-08-27T18:25:29
>They're made anonymously, so they're in the public domain by default.

I don't think this is legally true, although in practice it would make it difficult to enforce a claim.
17 Anonymous 2018-09-08T03:15:45 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1456782912407.jpg (JPEG, 193.86 KB, 1280x720)
wow am I slow
also nice timing on board creation it’s like you saw the future

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