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1 名無しさん 2018-11-20T16:32:27 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 996455.jpg (JPEG, 169.56 KB, 668x456)
I checked out 4chan the other day.
/s4s/ is like /jp/ if every post was WATAFUK MAN and there was no 2hu.
1 posts omitted
3 名無しさん 2018-11-22T12:39:27
4 名無しさん 2018-11-23T18:49:35
Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
5 名無しさん 2018-11-25T12:24:26
6 名無しさん 2018-11-25T17:33:35
Someone seems fanny-flustered.
7 名無しさん 2018-11-27T15:57:45 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: damn.jpg (JPEG, 36.08 KB, 540x520)
Woah there

1 名無しさん 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 2018-03-07 12_16_04.jpg (JPEG, 51.81 KB, 946x653)
What is your opinion on Virtual Youtubers?
24 posts omitted
26 名無しさん 2018-10-24T16:53:57
>synthesized voice

This actually wouldn't be bad. I think just about anything would be better than what's probably going to actually happen (some native English speaking ear-cancer skank spouting "memes")
27 名無しさん 2018-10-24T17:16:13
well, the 2ch thread videos dont involve a personality. I think I saw one read by yukkuri, but that was the most such.
Are the squeaky-girls really so bad though? People who arent used to it think excited japanese girls voices are ear cancer too. Not that I care about her all that much.
Speaking of screeching memes, I wonder what she'll behave like. The best I could hope for would be for her to embody the qualities the rest of the web thinks are why 4chan is bad which are actually its only redeeming qualities. It'll probably just be a pretty normal character with just a bit more of an attitude or something, though.
28 名無しさん 2018-10-24T23:32:38
After being an ota for most of my life I still don't like helium voices either.
29 名無しさん 2018-11-15T20:07:45
They are, of course, garbage. Few of them speak English and even fewer appeal to anyone other than straight guys with shit taste.
30 名無しさん 2019-03-05T19:13:10
It pisses me off not because it's anime, but because it's a very specific type of anime I hate

1 名無しさん 2018-10-30T22:50:03
コンギョ〜 コンギョ〜 コンギョーガップロ〜
2 名無しさん 2018-11-12T07:37:22

1 名無しさん 2018-10-28T21:44:13 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: XR9f.png (PNG, 23.17 KB, 1344x219)
2 名無しさん 2018-10-29T16:28:52

1 名無しさん 2018-09-13T20:34:39 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 24035948_m.jpg (JPEG, 406.25 KB, 425x600)
What are you staring at, creep?
2 名無しさん 2018-09-14T04:20:14
Oh, sorry.
3 名無しさん 2018-09-18T09:05:13
At you, my love.
4 名無しさん 2018-09-18T09:46:31
[upper mouth drooling and slobbering]
5 名無しさん 2018-10-06T03:08:54
you, you fuckin muppet

bitch you got two mouths

1 softcore 2018-09-20T20:51:30 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 150_1000.jpg (JPEG, 155.34 KB, 580x870)
needs to be a thread nida~
1 posts omitted
3 名無しさん 2018-09-21T23:43:11
I don't think 4taba has any SFW boards.
4 名無しさん 2018-09-22T01:14:54
there's nothing naughty showing, its just a cute japanese girl in her summer shorts
5 名無しさん 2018-09-23T18:54:16
Good, if I wanted porn I'd go to a booru or some of 4chan's porn boards.
6 名無しさん 2018-09-25T04:34:01
Go back to 4/jp/
7 名無しさん 2018-09-27T18:18:41
I don't see anything wrong with this thread. As long as it's not a general.
You all shouldn't be so quick to judge.

1 名無しさん 2018-09-15T10:56:11

2 名無しさん 2018-09-15T14:04:21
The thing I'm most shocked by is the fact that "Tokyo Games" isn't already taken. It's a shame though, only the first franchise in that triad is really any good.
3 名無しさん 2018-09-16T01:25:04
Curious, what do you have against the Zero Escape games?
4 名無しさん 2018-09-16T04:02:21
Not much against them, I just don't think they're that good.
5 名無しさん 2018-09-16T22:40:20
agreed, and even then it ends on a really boring note

1 名無しさん 2018-09-15T08:38:05 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: drawn_by_pikipon__88efa7b89b2d… (JPEG, 2.01 MB, 1000x1413)

2 名無しさん 2018-09-15T14:08:20 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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3 名無しさん 2018-09-15T14:17:21 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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1 名無しさん 2018-09-10T06:30:08
can you count 10 in nipanese?
2 posts omitted
3 名無しさん 2018-09-10T15:03:01
4 名無しさん 2018-09-12T10:42:48
uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve dies

how'd I do?
6 名無しさん 2018-09-12T16:14:11
I think this guy’s got it.
7 名無しさん 2018-09-12T22:34:04



8 名無しさん 2018-09-12T22:53:40
I think this guy's able to improve his English grammar.

1 名無しさん 2018-09-05T05:40:23 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1523317506052.jpg (JPEG, 24.1 KB, 414x599)
Just double checking, everyone here knows Japanese, right? Would be really weird to be posting on a site called 下葉チャンネル without knowing Japanese, haha.
4 posts omitted
5 名無しさん 2018-09-05T12:32:32 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: もぐもぐ.png (PNG, 649.98 KB, 762x951)
6 名無しさん 2018-09-05T15:44:12
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8 名無しさん 2018-09-05T22:33:20

9 名無しさん 2018-09-08T14:46:00
I've been trying to find 80/20 Japanese by Richard Webb online, but without luck. I'll just have to buy it
10 名無しさん 2018-09-11T09:14:51
I can read pretty well but production (speaking) is hard

1 名無しさん 2018-09-09T05:35:56 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1536480451406.gif (GIF, 258.58 KB, 450x450)
you know i had to do it to em
2 名無しさん 2018-09-09T20:35:07

1 名無しさん 2018-08-01T19:16:14
Too dumb to learn Japanese....
12 posts omitted
14 名無しさん 2018-08-07T00:00:28
We're just bored. 4taba too slow
15 名無しさん 2018-08-08T20:09:38
How do we get more people and make it faster then
16 名無しさん 2018-08-17T10:59:10
if you can't write, type, learn one of the many input systems or make your own. advising someone to not learn to write because they cannot write by hand is not good advice, unless you have some ideological reason that you did not make us aware of, like extremic humanism or luddism.

as an aid to memorizing a phrase, writing is about the slowest method available. understanding it is much more effective
since when does having trouble learning to handwrite a language prevent the learning of that langugage? i never learned to handwrite japanese, korean, and chinese, and i am learning them fine.

this is also the same with alphabets, i can't give you the list of all kana nor bopomofo nor hangul basic units, nor latin nor cyrrilic alphabets, but i know most of them, and, what's more, i know all the ones i use and have seen before: whenever i come across a symbol i am either familiar with it or not. if, in a context in which i care about it, i am not, i look it up and familiarize myself with it and it variants and its meanings, i don't care for what alphabets they are part of and what orders have been given to them. you know why? cause it's all just artificial fluff that detracts from the real experience of the language--that is, communication between people who have a good chance of knowing the forms, techniques, of communication that are usually grouped together into separate "languages". languages exist for sociological purposes, to see what people of a particular group could understand
17 名無しさん 2018-08-17T10:59:35
make high quality posts about interesting and generally appealing topics like mathematics or philosophy, or something cultural and interesting, in which case you can be as specialized and peculiar as you want because you're adding to the culture, or on already extant topics
18 名無しさん 2018-09-08T15:02:03
don't give up

1 名無しさん 2018-08-12T20:06:15
2 名無しさん 2018-08-12T21:53:28
3 名無しさん 2018-08-13T03:18:12
おにいちゃん なに いってるの?みんな ここに いるよ ^^
4 名無しさん 2018-08-13T15:04:58
5 名無しさん 2018-08-14T22:30:22
Up your butt
Anonymous (Thu)Aug 16 2018 05:55:40
Anonymous (Wed)Aug 15 2018 05:06:23
6 名無しさん 2018-08-15T14:33:05
no thanks

1 名無しさん 2018-07-30T16:02:51
2 名無しさん 2018-07-30T18:12:04

1 名無しさん 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1488158222644.png (PNG, 200.44 KB, 1808x1500)
10 posts omitted
12 名無しさん 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 6.jpg (JPEG, 592.75 KB, 946x1336)

13 名無しさん 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: chimpraptors.png (PNG, 234.27 KB, 747x492)
even when its eating you its cute!
14 名無しさん 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1486953630584.gif (GIF, 264.25 KB, 298x244)
Why is seiran raptor so cute?
also, why is futaba apparantly so fond of seiran?
15 名無しさん 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 1524048002085.jpg (JPEG, 384.38 KB, 1366x768)

16 名無しさん 2018-06-26T08:14:36 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: party.png (PNG, 176.51 KB, 750x496)


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