Just started watching Nurse Angel Ririka SOS. I'm enjoying it right from the word go, and had a similar experience with Wedding Peach. Magical Girls shows made for girls are super neat, tickles an itch in me I couldn't place for a long time.
Any of you watching shows about frilly pretty super heroines?
Name the latest anime you've watched or manga you've read right now. You don't need to talk about it or your opinions on it if you don't want to, just name it.
If you see this post, take the 2 seconds just to reply.
I'll start. Last read (reread for the third time) Parasyte.
ITT post the good memories you had with any of the kiss.sites or anime streaming sites in general
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Chaika in the text page
Is anyone going to watch this? It's a mini-anime like the original, so I doubt it'll catch the attention of much anime imageboard browsers besides a few avatarfags scraping all of the .webms and screenshots they can get their hands on.
Here's the trailer for those who haven't seen it. I love Hiroaki-san's directorial work, so I'll definitely be keeping up with all of the episodes when it comes out.
tell me about your favorite mecha, almost anything counts, from FLCL to Macross.
One of the things I most enjoyed about Kemono Friends was the knowledge that I could enjoy the series and it's surrounding culture in a completely casual way.
After I watched it a few times, I felt no need to obsess over it, no need to research the drama at Kadokawa, no need to follow fan artists on Twitter for the latest fan comics, nothing. Just a relatively small image folder and I was fine. I haven't even touched S2, which seems to have been a wise choice.
Coming from a background of obsessing over things, with Milky Holmes coming to mind, it's nice being able to lightly enjoy something. Whenever I see a Friend image, I'm immediately filled with good feelings about enjoying the show, rather than any bitterness that obsession usually brings.
Do you cats have any anime that you feel this way about?
Don't mind me, I just really like this particular show.
It's one of the first Gundam shows I actually watched, so I guess I didn't watch it in the right order, but I still enjoyed it greatly.
After rewatching this once again, I feel so melancholy.
Not sad, but far from happy.
Let's talk about anime & manga that follow similar veins.
This thread is for reports and reviews of new anime that isn't detailed iris harem crap! I'll start:
Gal to Kyouryuu's anime adaptation is really good. If you haven't watched it, basically every episode starts off with a cartoony dinosaur that looks like Bloo from Foster's & his galpal. Sometimes they'll watch TV while eating ramen, or the gal will get a headcold and the dino tries to cheer her up. Then the second half of every episode is a live-action fever dream. I wont spoil anymore than that.
Sore dake ga Neck is a series of mini episodes produced by Toho's animation studio. The show is set in a depressing looking convenience store, and every episode focuses on the mysterious Mutou-kun. The show's animation style is pretty blocky, but overall most of the designs are something you've seen before in gag manga.
Sooo... what shows are good this season, besides the second half of Higurashi?
I'm watching this after reading it, and really enjoying it! Lum is cute, it's pretty funny, it's a good time, overall.
But I just can't seem to be able to create a successful thread about it.
What are your thoughts on it? On the author's other works? On other older anime and manga?
I hope mpv adds proper support for beautiful WebVTT subtitling soon. Machine-generated, unreadable .ass file messes are so icky.
Listening to music from a franchise I'm not familiar with fills me with an odd feeling of guilt. It makes me feel obligated to read/watch it now.
I just learned that Rakka has the same VA as Mineta from BnHA and now my day is ruined. I wish I never knew.
So Mask-senpai had an undercut hidden under her bowl cut. I wish I could rub it too
I haven't watched any new anime in ages. I should watch some.
I've just been rewatching some stuff already downloaded.
Konosuba character popularity poll
I voted for my beloved Aqua!
How do you spell this phrase?
Does this concept exist? Basically it'd be like a regular manga but in gif format with some limited animations like pic related or eye blinks, mouth flaps, [INTENSE SHAKING] etc.
I watched Serial Experiments Lain today, the entirety of it. I definitely enjoyed it, but if there was something to ``get'', I didn't get it.
It makes me feel happy to be a user of the internet: of usenet, of the web, of telnet, of IRC. To be happy to create as I use.
And of course, Serial Experiments Lain had many small things to think about, related to life.
13 language translation image board
let's play together!
Hai fren! I made a new tor board called VileChan, please come over because it would make me happy. http://hvjgdbwgmn4iu4yxkc4gxxclskxigh5oz52uot3ltqijb76wxjdnxpyd.onion/
plz don't delete my shill it's only one or two advertisements, so it's not "excessive"
Have any of you seen Futakoi Alternative?
It's such a comfy hidden gem. Really digging the soundtrack right now.
Greetings from Depreschan.
Come visit us, if you'd like.
Have you tried listening to series-specific music while reading manga?
I'm currently reading Neon Genesis Evangelion and wanted to attempt this because there's a lot of overlap with the tv series allowing to cue specific tracks as they happened in the anime. I found the emotional response to be significantly greater, the soundtrack is very moving so it could only add to those moments. Surprisingly, it even felt as if I was watching the series rather than reading something. The spur of the soundtrack probably made me adjust panel pacing to coincide with how the music directed the animation. In contrast some of the parts that I had gone through without the soundtrack felt more stale than what the show had. I only did this for significant moments, knowing what tracks had to be played, so mostly battle scenes and self-analysis segments. I guess if there was some generic ambience this could also be applied to less symbolic parts of the story, leading to while no a bigger impact but simply more immersion. There's no such material in the Evangelion albums however. One thing to note is that the volume at which the music gets played should definitely be lower than at what one usually listens music to, it's too distracting otherwise.
Evidently in most cases this is not an option. But in my experience playing unrelated music doesn't cut it, the emotional tone requires appropriate material and not something that randomly finds its way to the ear. In the end I appreciate the immersion gained and emotional impact received. I'll continue reading NGE manga this way. It's what I'm after.
The experience also got me thinking about how this could be streamlined and made less interruptive. Most of the issues crop up due to music overextending the scenes which makes for a less than perfect experience. It would probably be more appropriate if the music faded in relation to page numbers viewed or transitioned to other sounds that are relevant to later pages. Sometimes the compositions don't quite line up with important panels. Due to unpredictable reading behaviour this is unavoidable and can only be minimized by playing music which isn't arranged to elicit severely specific moments. Soundtrack ending before the end of a segment should probably be kept looping.
Technically the solution could be as simple as having metadata file packaged along with audio tracks and manga pages, detailing at which page spreads specific tracks should be cued. A comic reader application would then have to only mix the tracks and follow the cue file.
Would love to hear other opinions on this as I can't find anyone sharing similar experiences on the net.
step 1 -- download a fuckton of manga
step 2 -- get a gamepad
step 3 -- make it so you can read manga using your gamepad
step 4 -- ?????????????
step 5 -- profit! your wrists, back, and neck are happy
So what have you guys been watching?
I'm watching Pripara, Mahoujin Guruguru, Pripri Chii-chan and Build. I just watched episode one of Infini-T Force and it's pretty rad! The only one of them I know is Casshan, though. Also watched Pop in Q like last week.
It's things like this, man. They almost got me with the cute looking stuff and then I discovered that it wasn't just fun and games. I dunno, I feel, like, curious about what happens but I don't really enjoy stories like this so I'm not sure if I want to read or watch this or not.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
What are you watching lately from the twentieth century? I just started Rurouni Kenshin. This little faggot reminds me of the jakovasaurs from South Park with the noise he makes whenever he gets hit in the head.
voting poll for which manga you would like to see get an anime adaptation. I'm voting for yotsuba
If you can't read moon then paste the link on google translate
If you'd like, use this thread to review things you've watched recently. I mean to mention how I felt about Redline today.
The animation was quite nice, it was pretty to watch, but already, I feel frustration about this movie. Many plot points were introduced, and then never expanded upon or resolved. This is saddening especially since many of the points shown are intriguing. I was also disappointed by the ending.
Deus ex machina, then boy gets girl. KISSU
It's the sort of movie I am happy to have watched once, but likely will choose not to see a second time.
Can we talk about Japan's unhealthy glamorization of high-rise communist blocks and the absurdly decadent public structures in anime?
The architectural paradigms at work in anime for the last 2 decades seem to be the strong promotion of government-funded urban population centers and public structures to the exclusion of genuinely fresh design perspectives in terms of the "futuristic city" so many genres of anime spawn from.
It's a little annoying to me that any "fictional city" I come across in anime seems to operate on the ideal that a current city was razed and someone then let a single team of architects define every available open space with a single minimalist design, which seems far more analogous to communist trends of the 1970's than to modern-day city planning. There's no problem with imagining this in a fictional story, but it seems like it's all I see in anime these days. How can cute girls be so enthusiastic about living in places that seem so oppressive and brutalist?
I understand that art-directors and designers like to make the setting re-enforce the feeling of the story itself, and a lot of the exaggerated design is based on evoking a certain feeling, and of course there are many outliers, but i still think its an oddly overrepresented style and I'm disappointed studios aren't a little more creative.
I'd love to hear an actual anime/architecture expert's take on this
What do y'all think of One Punch Man? I thought that the first three episodes were a brilliant story that examined how Godlike characters like Superman and Goku would function in real life, but the rest of the episodes indulged in the same power-level type obsession with superheroes that the first three episodes tried to critique.
Post some OPs and EDs that make you feel.
This really gets me, for some reason, and makes me wish I had a girlfriend.
>https://nyaa.pantsu.cat and https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/ should both work.
So, how do you guys feel about this?
I'm the kinda guy who only downloads before watching, so this is a good thing for me, since I didn't have much left before I was about to look through my backlog and get something new. But that also means that, even though it'd be a good idea, I'm not really keen on going to the new site and starting to download and seed stuff.
If any of you are interested in ancient Japanese animation, I saw this on rec.arts.anime.misc
On 2017-03-05 16:45, GeoffC wrote:
> 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the beginnings of Japanese animation.
> The National Film centre in Tokyo is celebrating the anniversary by
> re-releasing 60 early Japanese animations. These will all be available
> online. An English language index appears on this blog:
> http://nishikataeiga.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/japanese-animated-film-classics.html
I'll probably begin watching some of these today.
She's so CUTE! Girlish number is actually pretty good
Little witch academia looks goods
Which are the high quality fansub groups to look for? Which are the ones to avoid?
t. cluless
Do you think Hiroe will pull through with Black Lagoon, or will it peter out?
I recall he had already finished writing the next volume, but I'm not too optimistic about it.
What you y'all think could redeem it? Rock going full villain? Feng getting a well deserved death? Happy RevyxRock?
Any words of advice for a newcomer? For board culture the fact people are posting images feels foreign, like some sort of space capsule that landed in my neighbours backyard.
Okay lads it's time to separate the boys from the men.
Thicc thighs or thin thighs? Be careful how you answer.