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1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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I finally played through some of the Neptune games on Vita, which means I can now post the images without feeling like a hypocrite!
Have you nepped a nep lately?

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: yuno24.gif (GIF, 204.01 KB, 640x400)
Does /v/ like PC-98 games?
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7 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I've only played a few. PoDD is terribly hard to get to work. I can only play it on Windows even though there are emulators for other OSes.
8 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
anex86 works the best for me. Its even good with wine on linux.

Mystic square is my favorite.
9 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
The thing is, I can't use Wine since I'm not on GNU/Linux: I'm on OpenBSD. And I think I couldn't get PoDD to work on FreeBSD, if I remember correctly.
I like all the PC-98 touhou games. I prefer T-98 and the neko project since both have better sound quality.
10 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Well I don't know what to tell you then.
I guess your next best option is a virtual machine
11 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
VMs suck: used them before. One solely has to understand that life will suck until closed source hardware and software are banished.

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Have you seen Nintendo's replacement for Swapnote: Swapdoodle?
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
The wat
3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I hope it sticks around
5 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Me too.
Should we post our friend code numbers?
6 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
1676 3801 3420

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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who's into griefing

posting some classics


and some new shit

2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
i love this shit.

the best thing is griefing RP servers. those nerds all going like "oh noes this is against da roolz ;_;"

i just can't understand people that roleplay.
4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Sadism is rude, and also bad.

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: mario4.jpg (JPEG, 16.98 KB, 272x408)
ds/psp thread
best systems coming through
nsmb multi was the bomb
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
If I had the money I'd buy another secondhand psp, but every one I bought has had some stupid problem
3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
oh yeah?
4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I had the same exact thought. Cheap and easy way of getting a nice little emulator handheld which is also a multimedia storage device and which can even be used as a fully working gamepad via the use of certain homebrews.
Though I guess I could also just use a modern phone with a BT-game controller, getting the bonus of a camera and all that jazz as well since I don't really care that much for the PSP games.

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Do you play rogue? Rogue Clone III or IV is often available in a package called bsdgames, and it's very enjoyable.
I suppose more people play Nethack or Angband nowadays, though.
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I really don't like Rouge. I used to play Nethack but it got kinda worn out for me.

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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do you like kirby
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
The only game I ever played with Kirby (other than smash bros. which doesn't really count I guess) is Kirby's Dreamland for gameboy.
That game was pretty sick. I probably beat it like 10 times.
3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 25429585.gif (GIF, 1.44 KB, 43x52)
i love kirby!
4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
No, I am not a kid anymore
5 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
>posts on an anonymous bengalian videogame forum
>not a kid anymore

6 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Yes, but I've actually only played the first two games. I fortunately have the first game's actual cartridge.

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: roolsofnature.mp4 (MP4, 7.73 MB)
What's your favorite track from Metal Gear Rising and why is playing it drunk not a good idea?
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: robopuppy.mp4 (MP4, 9.74 MB)

3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: arms.mp4 (MP4, 10.44 MB)

4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: memes.mp4 (MP4, 11.04 MB)

5 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: scissor.mp4 (MP4, 6.93 MB)

6 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: huehue.mp4 (MP4, 9.28 MB)


1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 46915101_p0.jpg (JPEG, 243.04 KB, 1000x395)
Write a review of a game. Anything goes. Just keep it concise and clear, nice and tidy. HARD MODE: Use no more than 300 characters in your review.
A strange game, filled with wierd design choices. It's amazing and bullshit at the same time. Gunplay and abilities are great and satisfying. Map design is strange and the story is unintelligible. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is worth playing solely for how unique it is.
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: 2532293-halflife4.jpg (JPEG, 674.59 KB, 1280x720)
Well ahead of it's time, counter-strike, the online game, comes with not only an impressive game play experience but an impressive physics engine to boot. In addition to being standard elimination style (whereby one team tries to eliminate the other) it also has a secondary victory condition in the form of a terrorist/counter-terrorist bomb defusal, hostage rescue, or VIP escort scenario.
As if all of that weren't enough this game also sports a vibrant modding community for near limitless replayability. I give it a 9/10.
3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Oh man, Counter-Strike. Shit that brings some memories, particularly the surf maps.
4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: anime girls, ft. local gopnik.… (JPEG, 141.07 KB, 468x602)
I don't care if the thread is dead, I do what I want. No one can stop me.
For many, the STALKER trilogy is an unforgettable experience. It's undoubtedly famous in both east and west. I won't be reviewing the entire trilogy, though, just the first entry to the series: Shadow of Chernobyl (shortened to ShoC, which is how I'll refer to it from now onwards on the review).

First, let me get this out of the way: ShoC isn't an impressive game. It feels unfinished, it has terrible gameplay (surprising, seeing as it's the selling point of an FPS), its story is nothing to write home about, so are its RPG and survival mechanics. Its translation and voice acting leaves much to be desired. Worst of all: It basically becomes a CoD-like action game after a certain segment! This is just criminal, seeing as it kind of IS an open-world game. Its implementation of an open-world environment is good and is a technical milestone, but it's arguably not really 'open-world' at all.
You may be saying: 'Sounds like it's shit. Why's it so famous? What's the deal with the 'chiki-briki' meme?' First off, its atmosphere is absolutely stellar, and you wouldn't expect decaying Soviet ruins to make for such good atmosphere! It's contributed by the full-dynamic lightning, which remains a technical achievement to this day. It features a brilliant AI that is arguably a standard-setter, with its fire-and-movement tactics and even its ability to sneak up on you (now you don't see this one often!) With a colorful and memorable (in both good and bad ways), its story fits well. It also features semi-realistic ballistics with bullet drop and ricochet, which was quite the technical achievement back then.
So, in essence, this game is an example of atmosphere done spectacularly well, and it's worth the experience solely for it, even if for once. Aside from its fame and its technical achievements, it's quite the treat even today and worth a shot.

1 ZM 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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No, not like those faggots on Youtube; let's actually play the game together like a quest thread. You guys post what we want to do, and I'll check back a couple times a day to put your commands into the game. Commands posted first get prioritized if there are conflicting commands and we can't reach a consensus. Obviously, please don't spoil things by using a walkthrough or prior knowledge of the game. I've never played this for more than an hour or so, so I'm curious to see how far we can get in the game as a team.
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65 ZM 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: underground.png (PNG, 56.17 KB, 314x304)
/*I would love to play the sequels with you guys. I'm having a great time with this, and I'm glad you are too.*/

>take all

rope: Taken.
glass bottle: Taken.
brown sack: Taken.
ZORK owner's manual: Taken.
leaflet: Taken.




East of Chasm




The Troll Room
A nasty-looking troll, brandishing a bloody axe, blocks all passages out of the room.

>give sack to troll

The troll, who is not overly proud, graciously accepts the gift and not having the most discriminating tastes, gleefully eats it.
66 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Try to move past him.
67 ZM 1969-12-31T17:00:00
The troll fends you off with a menacing gesture.
The troll swings his axe, but it misses.
68 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Don't we have like a 99% chance of dying if we try and go past him?
69 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Okay, what an asshole, and right after we fed him, too!
Attack with the knife.

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: Capture 2015-07-04 03_34_42.pn… (PNG, 616.26 KB, 1776x896)
We need a server for autism simulator. Who's with me?
We'd need to iron out the mods we use, it's hard for me to go back to mod-less Terraria.
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
This is like 2D Minecraft, yeah?
We could use a Minecraft server, too.
But there are too few of us, for now.
Let's wait until we reach 50 global posts a day.
3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
are you both autistic
4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
That's the best comparison, yes, but there's a lot more exploration and combat with some pretty difficult bosses, especially on Expert mode.
I generally see Terraria preferred over Minecraft on imageboards, even 4/jp/ had threads for it once upon a time.
5 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
What do you mean?

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: ssx tricky.png (PNG, 338.18 KB, 640x448)
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I remember this game

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: tecmo super bowl.jpg (JPEG, 28.52 KB, 480x360)
Does anybody here like sports games?

>but anon, sports games are for normalfags and plebeians!

Fuck that. I'm talking about the best sports games throughout history, not EA Shekelfarm 2016.

Anyway, Tecmo Super Bowl for the SNES is the best American football game I've played. I know everyone always talks about the NES version, but this is basically the same game with graphical and mechanical improvements. Tecmo Super Bowl III is good too, and I like the expanded playbook. I have to give the nod to the original because it's aesthetically superior, though; dropping the cartoony look and the music during plays was a mistake. I haven't played II yet, so I can't say anything about it.
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5 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Also, what is the appeal of golf and fishing games for you? I've never really played either.
6 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I find that they're easy to pass the time with. My time isn't very constrained, so an easy-going golf/fishing game along with some music is a nice way to spend a couple of hours.
7 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: mutantscreen009jpg-468x.jpg (JPEG, 45.27 KB, 400x280)
The mutant league games on Genesis were amazing. Lots of silly carnage and one of the ways to win the game is to kill enough of their players so they can't field a whole team. You can bribe refs and do all sorts of other cool stuff, too.
Just hockey and football games, though.
8 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: muds.jpg (JPEG, 643.41 KB, 981x1392)
I've heard very good things about the Mutant League games. I've never come across them at any of my local stores or garage sales, so maybe I'll just have to order them from ebay at some point. They sound similar to MUDS, which is a fantasy sports game similar to rugby. You can kill players and bribe refs in that too, for instance.
9 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
File: nfl street.jpg (JPEG, 1.46 MB, 3225x2156)
NFL Street was another fun football series, even if it was kind of stupid trying to apply that hip-hop "street" setting to a football game. Pretty much everything EA Sports Big made was gold, actually. I miss them.

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Here's something I found on /tg/.
Just wanted to show you guys.
2 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00

1 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00 [ImgOps] [iqdb]
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why is runescape so good
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3 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
Yeah it really is, also im a massive faggot for games with real life markets
4 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
>tfw didn't play runescape in its prime
always makes me sad to think i missed out on it
5 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00

>what is OSRS???
6 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
I just wasn't interested in those kinds of games, at the time.
7 Player 1969-12-31T17:00:00
it's not the same

but it's definitely

I'm glad I experienced it

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