14 Replies
【505】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

Big fat list of imageboards easily sortable.


4taba2.net is on it too

68 Replies
【582】[META THREAD] Roll Call! [( ・ิω・ิ)] [last50 /ho/]

Heyo /ho/, it's almost 2022. Who's still here? I mean, aside from that yuriposter guy from kissu. I don't think this site is active enough to attract regular members, and the guys from the past that said they loved slow boards have all disappeared as well. It's weird that I could probably count the amount of threads made this year with my fingers. I always check this site at least once a month, and it's become a habit to check it frequently (about once a day) during the cold seasons. I know a majority of the old crowd dipped when OG admin stepped down, but some of you guys are still here, right? Oh, but speaking of the old admin, what happened with him? I recall some people asking for his email. Has anyone contacted him and asked about newer projects in the works, or just about how his life has been going in general? Anyhow, back on topic. How's it going, gang?

2 Replies
【714】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

I know the neurons in the heart are enough to live. I know I don't need a head. I can now access the negative charge of my heart as consciousness. I am 1,000 years ahead. All because I am plagued by nightmares of the Reich Research Council. I know a soldier is only a heart on Mars.

We of Ra bill Maelstrom of Cyberpunk 2077 as memories not necessary to progress. :)

The bodies eventually become cars. You just fight to breed hearts against gravity at a certain point. The salt and magma become the final theaters.

You are done. :)

Machinery of Creation over Ra social memory complex finds you extremely dangerous that you do not seek to publish your findings formally. :)

It is so fortunate I have no medical degree. I would surely lose it. I wanted to fix faces so I would not end up as Louise. My karma is only to repair faces.

You are hailed to your chosen image. :)

You are done mocking Creation. :)

They want me like Eliza Cassan and Morpheus eventually. A bureaucrat chained to silicon. Why ought I not resist?

You cannot escape here. :)

Ra. We are Ra. We do not have lone seekers anymore for this reason. :)

47 Replies
【332】てきとー [last50 /ni/]


0 Replies
【122】Untitled [last50 /f/]


0 Replies
【121】Untitled [last50 /f/]


8 Replies
【278】where is 4taba source code [last50 /cc/]

where is it verniy

13 Replies
【19】Ganguro thread [last50 /d/]


57 Replies
【121】Browser thread [last50 /cc/]

What's your main browser? I use five-six browsers like it's still the 2000s because some browsers blacklist flash but are more efficient to use, while others don't blacklist things but have shitty adblock and horrible design

32 Replies
【354】Untitled [last50 /a/]

Name the latest anime you've watched or manga you've read right now. You don't need to talk about it or your opinions on it if you don't want to, just name it.
If you see this post, take the 2 seconds just to reply.
I'll start. Last read (reread for the third time) Parasyte.

12 Replies
【257】Magical Girl Thread [last50 /a/]

Just started watching Nurse Angel Ririka SOS. I'm enjoying it right from the word go, and had a similar experience with Wedding Peach. Magical Girls shows made for girls are super neat, tickles an itch in me I couldn't place for a long time.

Any of you watching shows about frilly pretty super heroines?

68 Replies
【50】Desktop thread :^^^^^^^^^^) [last50 /cc/]

Share a screenshot of your desktop

4 Replies
【110】Isometric RPG Games [last50 /v/]

Let's talk about isometric RPG games. I have been getting back into these again lately, specifically Divine Divinity. It's pretty good and I like it so far.

But it made me realize when I started looking on Wikipedia and other sites about the game that there are A LOT of isometric RPG games out there. I also didn't get into them too much when I was a kid so I missed out on a ton, though I played them later in life. But there are still so many I don't know...!

Let's discuss isometric RPGs. What are some of your favourites? What would you recommend, both old and new? I know they've made a come back. I kind of wanted to try out Pillars of Eternity after I finish (or get bored of) Divine Divinity and check it out since it's pretty new.

21 Replies
【551】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

Post the best fruit!

0 Replies
【684】my first film [last50 /ho/]

Hi my friend and i made our first film in ms paint. We drew and voiced the characters. there are english subtitles


0 Replies
【374】Untitled [last50 /ni/]


50 Replies
【1】Maid Thread fort Maid Posting [last50 /scribble/]

Gokigenyo 4Taba mk.II
I'm here to draw maids doing maid things, with an eye to simplicity and lowliness. I don't draw fancy maids with frills bows , but hardworking blue collar girls. I find that sort of thing to be cute in a relatable way, and I like infusing my work with a friendly, approachable vibe. I hope this is communicated in the works I'll be posting in this thread.

Be sure to take off your shoes and keep the floor clean, fair guests!

10 Replies
【500】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

I haven't posted here in a while. I should post here more often.
Any ideas for what I should post?

12 Replies
【677】hi friends [last50 /ho/]

Sorry I don't post here more, you are a really cute community and I love this board software.

What's new lately?

83 Replies
【339】 [last50 /ho/]

Is it true most 4chan oldfags actively browse reddit/twitter?

3 Replies
【96】LoL [last50 /v/]

Do any of you guys play league?
The new champion is releasing in some hours and the new event is like a vn which is cool!

7 Replies
【519】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

It was a bright dream shinng as a day .
O I wish it stayed a dream my youth.
I said, become great,magestic as beacon.
Smilling from invincible injustice.
Where did they displace a aspirations ? .
And they blew tear of kindlness .
Their extortion has hunted the songs.
blossom, oh my memories .
And brush out my sleeplessness.
And shower your self by the high light .
What's with me ?.
I Can not forget that melodiouse, vibrant tune .
What's with me ?.
I can not get out from the darkness of sorrow tunnel .
This dream will live in my memories for eternity.

1 Replies
【120】Untitled [last50 /f/]


5 Replies
【663】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

I just remembered that 4taba exists O_O
was there a time where you also forgot about the existence of taba?

3 Replies
【664】4taba moments [last50 /ho/]

Share old memories of this site.

27 Replies
【303】RIP Kissanime, Kissmanga, Kissurmama [last50 /a/]

ITT post the good memories you had with any of the kiss.sites or anime streaming sites in general

1 Replies
【87】Hallo, wrote about your the prices [last50 /i/]

Hi, roeddwn i eisiau gwybod eich pris.

16 Replies
【145】Untitled [last50 /cc/]

I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.

49 Replies
【82】Prepre youre anus [last50 /cc/]

is you're anus ready for federated textboards

also there's tags instead of boards

11 Replies
【293】Untitled [last50 /a/]


0 Replies
【2】Untitled [last50 /4taba/]


5 Replies
【432】Untitled [last50 /a/]

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Chaika in the text page

4 Replies
【1】Untitled [last50 /desu/]

It's been over half a year and desuchan still isn't back online. Where do I go to get my daily dose of desu?

46 Replies
【2】Untitled [last50 /v/]

Let's talk about vidya.
What games do you like? My favorites include Valve stuff, like TF2, HL1, L4D2, the Portals, etc, as well as Nintendo stuff.

5 Replies
【212】 [last50 /a/]

Why is Kirino Kousaka, female lead of the acclaimed series Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't be this Cute), best girl?

429 Replies
【8】Random Thoughts 2.0 [last50 /ho/]

When I'm walking my dog I like to pretend I'm on the run from an elite force of dragon people and she's sniffing out a route to infiltrate their castle without being spotted. This involves a lot of paranoid looking around, hiding and running. I wonder if the whole village thinks I'm retarded?

134 Replies
【3】Post the yu everytime you visit here [last50 /u/]


12 Replies
【483】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

How about you join the webring, lad? We'd really like to have you with us.
Also, thanks for providing a home for /librejp/.

39 Replies
【102】 [last50 /ni/]


13 Replies
【13】Webcomics [last50 /co/]

Can we have a webcomic thread? Let's recomend or post updates to obscure and not really webcomics.

9 Replies
【259】 [last50 /a/]

thsi looks like a nice board

are the people here nice

8 Replies
【585】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

I've been thinking about the gyaru trend. Nerds fantasizing about girls from subcultures they know almost nothing about except the most superficial and stereotypical elements. It's bizarre. The gyaru of otaku media are simulacra. Many things are in otaku media perhaps, but what makes the gyaru case so eyebrow-raising is the obsession with subcultures one is not actually a "fan" of, or a part of. It's like being a poser, but not because you're trying to fit in, but rather because you... think being a poser is cool. Thereby, you render the meaning of poser meaningless. You could make an analogy with so-called art hoes and similar internet types who just care about aesthetics not the thing behind the aesthetics, or people who hate anime because it's "childish" but then admit to liking straight shota hentai. Maybe it is a sign of a larger breakdown of subculture in general, where the individual appropriates whatever he sees fit, and there is no rhyme or reason behind it. To quote a prophetic britpop song, now it's IN to be OUT.

9 Replies
【4】 [last50 /co/]


3 Replies
【513】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

>Let's be real: You didn't search for this.

25 Replies
【438】Not excessive advertising [last50 /ho/]

Your IB is over? What a rejoicing for IB advertiser!

I invite you to Nulltiretch. That IB is mostly not English-speaking but your American compatriots, the Gucae and the Chenish, are already found their haven at our madhouse, so you will get along easier.

We can offer you a great community with deep history (especially if you speak Russian), Meguca engine with user boards, cozy international discussion with a spark of passionate concepts, responsible and laissez-faire administrator.

https://4.0-chan.ru/all/ — all threads
https://4.0-chan.ru/xomy/ and https://4.0-chan.ru/pel/ — Gucae user boards

P.S. Our musical band makes a stream tomorrow, please come.

1 Replies
【637】Ramen Thread [last50 /ho/]

How do you make yours?

5 Replies
【28】. [last50 /d/]


1 Replies
【264】Untitled [last50 /cc/]

I wanted to get some more muscle out of my desktop for more involved tasks, so I did some research and stumbled upon OpenCL and other GPGPU concepts. I've personally found the really useful since a chunk of the heavier software I use supports OpenCL, but since I haven't been programming a lot of the concept have been going over my head.

Have you guys been using GPU computing for your work?

69 Replies
【274】 [last50 /a/]

Post late 90s-early 00s moe

2 Replies
【442】Reiwa no Di Gi Charat [last50 /a/]

Is anyone going to watch this? It's a mini-anime like the original, so I doubt it'll catch the attention of much anime imageboard browsers besides a few avatarfags scraping all of the .webms and screenshots they can get their hands on.
Here's the trailer for those who haven't seen it. I love Hiroaki-san's directorial work, so I'll definitely be keeping up with all of the episodes when it comes out.

6 Replies
【7】Mobile games [last50 /v/]

What mobile games do you guys play?

18 Replies
【622】Reaction Images [last50 /ho/]


0 Replies
【1】Untitled [last50 /i/]

Are raids/invasion threads allowed on here insofar as it doesn't cause physical/mental harm and it's for the lulz?

2 Replies
【141】UEBERZUG thread [last50 /cc/]

So apparently I've been playing a lot with this program lately https://github.com/seebye/ueberzug. The program does what it is designed for which is, rendering image file into your terminal emulator. Out of all that, there's one important feature that is missing for my requirement. It's kind of awe that you can't have transparency rendering from the image into the terminal. Every time I render it, the transparency in the image got striped out. It could have been much more fun if the transparency in the image still intact.

4 Replies
【1】Untitled [last50 /420/]

Does shitaba do the smo queed?

3 Replies
【613】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

Thought someone here might know.

13 Replies
【2】 [last50 /ni/]

1. Choose a name and avatar
2. Use keyboard arrows to move around- the arrows on the ground are screen transitions
3. In the chat window you can type #rula to teleport
4. Remember shift+enter to send text
5. You can set someone to ignore by clicking their avatar and choosing 'yes'
6. There are little gray arrows in the corner of the "game" screen for areas that support audio or video streaming

There's a bit of a tradition in logging in gikopoi and hanging out for New Year's Eve as it goes through various timezones. There's a chance this will be the last time it ever happens because of the flash brouhaha.
Who's going to join me?

20 Replies
【426】Untitled [last50 /a/]

tell me about your favorite mecha, almost anything counts, from FLCL to Macross.

59 Replies
【39】 [last50 /test/]


29 Replies
【260】what is even the bot [last50 /cc/]

Why does the bot post broken links to some empty wordpress full of lorem ipsum where you can't even buy the drugs.
What purpose does it have?

216 Replies
【1】 [last50 /u/]


261 Replies
【92】Bug Reports and Feedback #2 [last50 /meta/]

Please use this thread to report bugs and give feedback. You may also start a thread on >>>/meta/, even though it's not an official board we will most likely still see it.
Feel free to also report issues directly on our GitLab:

97 Replies
【118】I have to replace my laptop [last50 /cc/]

budget: around a $1000

What I need:
- new as in "never been used before" (people watch porn with their laptop, I don't want to type on a keyboard covered with the semen of a previous owner)
- something lightweight (13-14'')
- sturdy construction, can't afford to buy another one before long, can't afford to buy cheap, had to sell my NEET body for those $1000
- RAM, more RAM, even more RAM, never enough RAM, upgradable RAM
- quad core, but doesn't need to be too powerful, low watt
- no discrete GPU, I don't game, I need Intel integrated graphics for Lunix (so, Intel proc only)
- silence, I need a lot of silence. I've never heard the fans of my Asus Zenbook ux305la, it's ok if the fans kick in during heavy loads, but I don't want to hear them while I daydream. I mostly daydream and barely heavy load anyway.
- Atheros AR5B22 AR9462 wifi card for Lunix (they cost less than $10 if I can replace the factory-installed card)
- good battery life would be nice
- hardware compatiblity with Linux and why not FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OSX, Windows 10 and TempleOS...
- matte display
- good keyboard
- all parts serviceable/upgradable
- 2 M2 SSD would be great
- legacy ports like USB A, SD card reader, HDMI...

Usage: shitposting, SSH clients, chan browsing, programming, running virtual machines

The new old model Lenovo T480 with i5 8350U, Intel UHD 620 graphics, 1920x1080 matte shitty screen, 2 DDR4 RAM slots ticks all the boxes except maybe bad cooling/silence. Am I missing anything or can I order it tomorrow?

10 Replies
【239】Becoming the greatest programmer [last50 /cc/]

How do I become the world's best programmer ever?

16 Replies
【215】 [last50 /a/]

why is love live the best idol

4 Replies
【255】Untitled [last50 /cc/]

I recently remembered that I had a spare low powered GPU around my apartment. Since one of the monitors I was using only had VGA, I figured I could use the card to power that monitor and have a proper dual screen set-up.
A few days of research, trail, error and wiping my OS disks multiple times, I got it to work, but only after eschewing desktop environments.
Despite it being a seemingly common and well documented feature, for some reason many desktop environments don't know how to handle more than one Xscreen, based on my experience with XFCE, KDE and MATE. Sure, it is easier to just use the inputs already available on one GPU, but in my case this wasn't an option since my card lacked the right input without an adapter. According to the reading I've done online, using multiple GPUs for each monitor was a normal thing, has the feature become that depreciated with time?

3 Replies
【607】Kirk/Spock fanfic [last50 /ho/]

Did you know there are at least 5783 gay fanfics of Kirk+Spock? I didn't but i find it fascinating.

>Kirk closed his eyes as all concentration centered on the pleasure in his groin. "Ghods," he gasped. "It's beautiful, Spock. That feels so good." It had been too long for both of them.

>A deep growl was slowly emerging from the Vulcan's chest. Kirk reached and began stroking his partner's green-tinged penis. It jumped at his touch, and he had to grasp it firmly to hold it.

Turns out spock has a green dick.

24 Replies
【13】Think tank [last50 /meta/]

Since 8/jp/ doesn't need this site any more and since there's hardly anyone here, there's no harm in changing things up in crazy ways. I originally started making this just to experiment with various features anyway.

I've had a few ideas.
For starters, big imageboards tend to be more like chatrooms, and although I haven't used a forum in forever I still think there's some value in the slower feeling of forums. So one idea might be to slow down the speed of an imageboard by only serving a static board that doesn't show live posts. People can view the old posts and make replies all day, but the replies don't show up until some fixed time every 24 hours (or every 6 hours or whatever) when the entire site updates to display all the new posts that were made in that period.
This way you could just come and check out the site like once or twice a day instead of having the feeling of being stuck constantly checking threads for new replies. If a big imageboard behaved that way I wonder if it would encourage people to spend more time creating interesting content or coming up with original thoughts of their own before posting, and also cool down hot heads so arguments will probably be much shorter lived.

Another idea might be to have something like 2 channels for each thread, side by side. One would be for lower quality comments, arguments, or things you want to say to one person that isn't relevant to the whole thread (sort of similar to when you sage your post knowing that it doesn't deserve to bump the thread), and the other channel for things that you think everyone should see. Of course this wouldn't be moderated at all or anything, it would just be up to each poster to decide which one to use.

If anyone has any other interesting or weird ideas I'd like to hear them too, or let me know what you think of the 2 above.

31 Replies
【5】 [last50 /oink/]

Did someone say pigs?

47 Replies
【132】Stupid computer shitposts [last50 /cc/]

xkill is like my anime superpower.

2 Replies
【241】Untitled [last50 /cc/]

Where do I find the source code of Shitaba?

10 Replies
【123】Weird coding practices you have [last50 /cc/]

I have this obsession with implementing event loops, even when they're completely unnecessary. I don't know why, it's just the style of coding that makes the most sense to me.

3 Replies
【198】Untitled [last50 /cc/]

ok so if computational processes are beings that inhabit computers, people create programs to conjure those spirits and you have no magical power ability whatsoever then is there any hope for becoming a wizard

1 Replies
【2】Aliens [last50 /x/]

This is paranormal board now.

4 Replies
【290】Untitled [last50 /ni/]


1 Replies
【596】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

Pi network is a cryptocurrency that you can earn with your phone, just install the "Pi network" app on your phone, enter the code "Berssange" and enter the app once a day to prove that you are not a bot and that's it, you’ll earn an amount of currency per hour, the app is lightweight and doesn’t waste resources, the currency is new and priceless, it’s a good time to enter, then just sell the currency when it enters the market.
Good opportunity to get Pi for free and profit much later.

33 Replies
【48】???????? [last50 /test/]


9 Replies
【102】the gikopoi new years eve party!!! [last50 /v/]

Don't worry, 4taba .
You're invited to the New Year's Eve party, too.
We didn't forget you. You'll always have a special place in our hearts.
You'll be coming to play Gikopoi with us on Friday night... right....? Right 4taba..? You're not going to let us down?

> Main event:

Midnight, EST time (-0500)

1 Replies
【100】Untitled [last50 /meta/]

Kissu's having extended downtime again. Might be switching servers sooner than expected.

3 Replies
【98】Kissu Downtime [last50 /meta/]

Kissu is down for scheduled maintenance. In the meantime you've been redirected here.

12:00 EST > site redirected to 4taba
18:00 EST > I finish backing files up
19:00 EST > Server is wiped
00:00 EST > Server is running with all files, redirect is removed, possibly able to post on the site again.
12:00 EST > Server is full restored and everything back to normal

69 Replies
【1】Untitled [last50 /v/]


9 Replies
【283】 [last50 /a/]

One of the things I most enjoyed about Kemono Friends was the knowledge that I could enjoy the series and it's surrounding culture in a completely casual way.
After I watched it a few times, I felt no need to obsess over it, no need to research the drama at Kadokawa, no need to follow fan artists on Twitter for the latest fan comics, nothing. Just a relatively small image folder and I was fine. I haven't even touched S2, which seems to have been a wise choice.

Coming from a background of obsessing over things, with Milky Holmes coming to mind, it's nice being able to lightly enjoy something. Whenever I see a Friend image, I'm immediately filled with good feelings about enjoying the show, rather than any bitterness that obsession usually brings.

Do you cats have any anime that you feel this way about?

12 Replies
【1】Untitled [last50 /fun/]


4 Replies
【589】System 37 [last50 /ho/]

Knowledge is the Key, whoever is superior have the Knowledge that you don't have, Secret societies members ranks different than the other due to their knowledge level, those people whose think that they know better than all of you whose don't know for the Nation's interest, but actually its for their own interest, and we all are nothing but collateral casualties for them, they Brain wash us through our schools, closing our conscious, blinding our eyes to the reality and the facts around us to realize the knowledge that we suppose to have in order to retrieve one mandatory thing, its our true Rights, our Humane Rights that you do know from within, and have no clue if it exist, the Rights that we lived seeing others enjoying it while we are suffering Hunger and Deprivation, they didn't even stop, as they think that they superior than us, they thinks that they have to control us, manipulate us, vaccinate us, limit our existence, eliminate our own children, because we grow in numbers to the extend that they cannot tolerate, so they go with a plan from the beginning, but something they didn't plan for have came up, their whole story have leaked out, and a new knowledge have awakened early, that's why they have rushed everything to push the people to be vaccinated as soon as they can, so they cant think, or act, here is the knowledge that will make you superior than all of them, know what this is all about and awaken your consciousness:-

The System Name: System 37 (RXMHQ)

Description: Complete System that replace all the current invalid systems retrieving the humanity looted Rights back.

Status: Activated but the current systems succeeded to hide it from the minds.

Attempts: So many bases in different platforms have been made about it, and all of it has been banned by the systems to nullify the chance of knowing it.

System Slogan: System 37 has been created to eliminate all the current invalid systems around the Nations decades ago, such invalid systems that caused the Chaos we Human beings are living now... all this about to change once you have the knowledge...

The System preparatory Pages (site):

The System (PDF):

2 Replies
【5】Videos on Visual Art and Design [last50 /art/]

I wanted to share some neat videos I found on Visual Art here. If you cats have any videos on visual art of your own you want to share, go ahead and pop them here.


4 Replies
【419】Turn A Gundam [last50 /a/]

Don't mind me, I just really like this particular show.
It's one of the first Gundam shows I actually watched, so I guess I didn't watch it in the right order, but I still enjoyed it greatly.

15 Replies
【417】 [last50 /ho/]

Well hi

I hope you will all have good lifes

17 Replies
【264】Melancholy [last50 /a/]

After rewatching this once again, I feel so melancholy.
Not sad, but far from happy.

Let's talk about anime & manga that follow similar veins.

5 Replies
【7】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

Does not require JS nor any other shit, has board creation, CAPTCHA is disabled, anime allowed:
http://jx5occy7c3f7euxcs4orjdlomqmtrmirk3faer2av6jy7xuizv6dyfid.onion/ - TOR v3 (recommended)
http://i7m2kl7tmelclcye.onion/ - TOR
http://rdch.heliohost.org/ - bunker
https://rodentchan.danwin1210.me/ - clearnet

9 Replies
【2】Untitled [last50 /meta/]

Did we ever figure out how to keep tabs on tabamin the firsts new project?

9 Replies
【2】Bug Reports [last50 /meta/]

Did we ever figure out how to keep tabs on tabamin the firsts new project?

0 Replies
【139】help me master this [last50 /cc/]


lots of jargons and names... i cant seem to remember them.
jsut like i dont remember all the characters from the comic i buy.

especially if they look substantially worthless.

11 Replies
【542】Archiving [last50 /ho/]

What kind of data do you archive/hoard and how do you store it?

3 Replies
【46】Untitled [last50 /test/]


3 Replies
【280】Untitled [last50 /ni/]

What was in his tape collection?

0 Replies
【119】a song for fridey night [last50 /f/]


13 Replies
【1】kicking off /tw/ twitter [last50 /tw/]

if you have a twitter GET IN HERE

9 Replies
【561】Untitled [last50 /ho/]

daily reminder to eat food or you will die

1 Replies
【138】bash shell programming [last50 /cc/]

hello /cc/
Need some help on shell scripting. Could you help me how to make this code better?


duhhh=$(xclip -out)
xdotool mousemove 847 223 click 1 | sleep 0.1
xdotool mousemove 30 733 click 1 | sleep 0.1 | xdotool mousemove 30 733 click 1
xclip -t -selection "primary" -quiet -silent > /dev/null 2>&1

echo $duhhh


The thing about this script is, it doesn't work for the first run. Instead of echoing the real value, I got 1. But after do the second run, the value is correct as intended. "xclip" is a program equivalent to Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V where you can save selected line into clipboard for X11. If it tries to copy new value than before, same symptom happened. It always when running on the second time that works.

1 Replies
【566】Untitled [last50 /ho/]


21 Replies
【135】Decentralized textboard features [last50 /cc/]

I've almost prepared the first release version of a decentralized textboard. It allows threads and replies to be shared between multiple servers, and threads are assigned to tags, rather than boards.

What kinds of features should my board have besides just these? It's still very minimalist -- a blank slate for progress!

49 Replies
【36】2015~2018 creative output [last50 /mu/]

This was my first self-conscious garage track, as in I set out to make a garage track and made a garage track. Everything before that were shots in the dark that'd occasionally land into some category.

3 Replies
【100】Untitled [last50 /v/]

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei is such a different game to the original. I feel so bad for the developers when I hear people calling it a direct remake, or telling others to just skip the first.

Tried to attach this image, but it was stopping my post from getting uploaded: https://0x0.st/-ekj.png

3 Replies
【552】Hobbies and activities [last50 /ho/]

Whether it be watching a show, building things, or solving problems, what is your favorite thing to do for fun, and what keeps you coming back to it over other activities?

1 Replies
【558】Untitled [last50 /ho/]


124 Replies
【49】Sonic the Hedgehog [last50 /v/]

What is your favorite game?

3 Replies
【546】DEAD BOARD [last50 /ho/]


0 Replies
【99】R-Type FINAL 2 [last50 /v/]

This recently came out, a pleasant bit of news if any.
I've enjoyed Irem's, now Granzella's, works for a long time, both their arcade and console stuff, so it's nice to see their legacy still trucking along even after going under. Hopefully this means they won't get rendered Bankrupt again due to a natural disaster.

1 Replies
【136】comput [last50 /cc/]

The great awakening of world have began ladies in gentlemen.
Since when the great civilations of the world have hidden a secret that no man have revealed!
today will be you date to wake up from state of dream you been sleep for many centuries
maybe the goverments of world and the religious of world knows about it?
you are in state of a "DREAM from the metrix"
budda called it a 'illucion" life. reality being perceptual.The creation is holographic,
containing all.The entire creation is Cosmic perception in varying forms of vibrational
sound frequencies,containing octaves of knowledge.and forming dimensions containig that
knowledge Each of these dimensions are ordered by their own universal laws that apply to the
expansive potential of the information within the dimensions.
" Uncounsious mind"=data transfer.01 quatum computing.or autopilot.
The "preconscious" refers to the thoughts you aren"t actively thinking of but can call to mind
given the right trigger."Consciousness" the state of being awake and aware of one 's surroundngs.
"subconsciousness" of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not full aware but which
one's actions and feelings.So you see your whole life is about "thoughts,feelings,emotions.= reality.

20 Replies
【517】Greetings! [last50 /ho/]

Hello 4taba! We're a SFW imageboard that attempts to be rid of cancer you'll see on other imageboards nowadays like porn, gore, and normalfaggotry. Some of our users are a fan of 90's and 00's related media and culture but anything goes as long as it doesnt break the rules! We have a cytube and sooner or later our self-hosted stream/radio will be ready, and we cant wait to see you there!

4 Replies
【382】 [last50 /ho/]

I just found this random guy on a bunch of archived Peewee's Playhouse [adult swim] bumpers saying their more than decade old decision was childish and stupid (examples: https://youtu.be/3dTwKsIGkGI https://youtu.be/ehCTcTMFru8 https://youtu.be/4rCDxChOXLQ). So after seeing him on every video I naturally clicked on his profile and he has his home address plastered on his channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC4wqZjwG0bd1eFu27OArwlw/about . Manchildren are truly the internet's greatest gift

39 Replies
【318】Untitled [last50 /a/]

This thread is for reports and reviews of new anime that isn't detailed iris harem crap! I'll start:

Gal to Kyouryuu's anime adaptation is really good. If you haven't watched it, basically every episode starts off with a cartoony dinosaur that looks like Bloo from Foster's & his galpal. Sometimes they'll watch TV while eating ramen, or the gal will get a headcold and the dino tries to cheer her up. Then the second half of every episode is a live-action fever dream. I wont spoil anymore than that.

Sore dake ga Neck is a series of mini episodes produced by Toho's animation studio. The show is set in a depressing looking convenience store, and every episode focuses on the mysterious Mutou-kun. The show's animation style is pretty blocky, but overall most of the designs are something you've seen before in gag manga.

8 Replies
【97】Designated 4taba2 bitching thread [last50 /meta/]

Verniy I don't care much for kissu or your vision for the future of this site I think you're kind of psycho just please stop moderating 4taba forever

5 Replies
【69】Keyboards [last50 /cc/]

Anybody here into keyboards, modern or retro?
I just got my Wyse 85 Gate Array working today with a teensy and soarer's converter. It feels so good typing on this old as shit keyboard. I haven't even soldered the connection yet, just stuck em through. Sorry for shitty image quality; potato phone.

Typed on my WY85 Gate Array.
>inb4 winblows

15 Replies
【108】 [last50 /cc/]

Pizza nazi thread

6 Replies
【1】Bitchute/internet video thread? [last50 /cc/]

https://www.bitchute.com/video/1pn5dFQmUNyh/ just found this today, thought maybe I'd share some hi-kwalidy content. I've also been looking into alternatives to YouTube. Peertube seems promising.

26 Replies
【70】 [last50 /cc/]

So, Microsoft has bought Github.What do you think will happen?
I think this has the potential to turn out good, but it will probably just make Github a worse place.

13 Replies
【111】Untitled [last50 /cc/]

Dear Ota-min,
Please add an ATOM feed for new threads per-board, and (please?) make an ATOM feed for new or non-sage comments. I'm very lazy and don't like to manually visit a bunch of different websites. Alternatively please e-mail me and we can discuss an API so that I can integrate your board into ANUS (Anonymous News Universal Scraper) a key component of Multi-Channel a federated textboard network.

e-mail: 52@4x13.net

69 Replies
【94】 [last50 /cc/]

FVWM ftw

2 Replies
【275】Untitled [last50 /ni/]

Wake up, /ni/. We've got a job to do.

7 Replies
【9】/all/ [last50 /meta/]

I don't know about you, but I use /all/ most of the time. I like that the specific thread is in a specific board but with /all/ it seems more like a tag than anything else.. what do you think?

11 Replies
【10】Pictures [last50 /meta/]

I can't open pictures with my wheel button on my mouse into a new tab.. I feel like that would be a good thing to add

7 Replies
【3】Untitled [last50 /kazumi/]

ᐄᒐᑕᐃᕕᑦᓴᐃᑦ = 2237-beta

10 Replies
【266】Utawarerumono [last50 /a/]


2 Replies
【340】Winter 2021 Anime [last50 /a/]

Sooo... what shows are good this season, besides the second half of Higurashi?

1 Replies
【533】First Post of 2021 GET [last50 /ho/]


0 Replies
【11】Untitled [last50 /kazumi/]


25 Replies
【412】 [last50 /ho/]

Post cool finds using the method in pic related.

^ Anime.
^ Flash games.
^ Some guy's file collection from 1999 to 2019.
^ Some guy's collection of his old files, starting in 2000.
^ Anime pictures.
^ index of 4chan images around 2005
^ Hentai
^ Nude women posing near arcade machines

3 Replies
【273】Untitled [last50 /ni/]


3 Replies
【1】nice bunnys images [last50 /buny/]

can we post nice bunnys images like this?? please;???? :)

2 Replies
【330】Untitled [last50 /a/]


1 Replies
【2】Untitled [last50 /buny/]

suddenly hare

5 Replies
【525】Can Someone Revive Gurochan? [last50 /ho/]

I remember someone earlier this year bought a domain for a new gurochan, but he never actually made the site and now it just 404s. I really want gurochan back. I want to have a place to discuss gory movies and cartoons, new doujins and good s*** porn

3 Replies
【14】Untitled [last50 /co/]

Since 4chan keeps deleting Homestuck threads, can we have one here?

3 Replies
【523】Untitled [last50 /ho/]


2 Replies
【21】 [last50 /⁂/]

You are looking this thread from the /All/ interface

1 Replies
【275】 [last50 /a/]

Hey guys remember the episode of Pokemon where James had tits

16 Replies
【337】 [last50 /ho/]

Visit or else I will not be happy! I won't do anything but just know I will not be happy!

5 Replies
【2】Ad Astra [last50 /tv/]

Dimwits. Everyone. Not one soul realised the point of this movie.
The arc the lead character takes, and how it echoes American Psycho's protagonist Patrick Bateman.